Why do Empiricist believe there are limits to the knowledge of reality?

Empiricists believe that knowledge of reality is limited because it is based on sensory experience, which is subjective and unreliable. Therefore, empirical knowledge can only provide a limited understanding of the world and reality. This is because the senses can only provide so much information, and it may be incomplete or flawed. This means that we cannot know reality with absolute certainty, as we cannot be sure that our sensory experiences are accurate. Empiricists also argue that knowledge of the world can only be gathered through the senses, which are limited and can never provide a complete picture of the world. This means that any knowledge we attain through sensory experience will always be incomplete. Furthermore, the accuracy of sensory experience can be affected by environmental factors, such as lighting, distance, and other variables. This means that our sensory experiences can be distorted and unreliable. Consequently, empiricists believe that knowledge of reality is limited because it is based on subjective and unreliable sensory experience.
