What to do when your client’s symptoms turn for the worst and your critical skills are needed. What to do when your client is unresponsive, diaphoretic , but is breathing and has a faint or thready pulse? Do you call rapid response or a code?


The selected concept of interest is critical analysis of literature to better serve you clients, a concept is a stepping stone of theories that classify a concept of phenomena of an interest (Alligood, 2014). The concepts can be abstract or concrete. This concept was selected due to the interest that it elicits in me. What to do when your client’s symptoms turn for the worst and your critical skills are needed. What to do when your client is unresponsive, diaphoretic , but is breathing and has a faint or thready pulse? Do you call rapid response or a code? Do you start with their symptoms and check their blood sugar ? What to do when a client refuses to take a medication that is detrimental to their health? Critical thinking and analysis gives you the ability to do what’s best for the client. Critical analysis helps a researcher to analyze literature in an effort to understand the literature, gain new knowledge or identify knowledge gaps that exist in the topic of interest. I hope to gain new insight from the selected method of concept analysis, such as how the method is used to analyze literature, as well as how it can be applied in doing so. This correlates with the Theoretical and Operational concepts as well.

Also, I hope to gain new knowledge on the advantages of using this method of concept analysis over the other methods. This method of concept analysis is critical to the nursing profession in that it provides a method of critically appraising nursing articles and journals, which is a vital process in learning and research in nursing.

Answer this Topic 1: Clarifying Concept of Interest

Present an example of an abstract and concrete concept. Propose a theoretical and operational definition applied to the concept that you have chosen. Explain how these definitions relate to your current work experience as well as patient care and outcomes.

200 word minimum
Topic 2: Application to Research and Practice

Select a concept analysis from the assigned readings and explain how the findings apply to advanced nursing practice.


Please retrieve and read the following journal articles from the Kaplan University Library:

Bonis, S. A. (2009). Knowing in nursing: A concept analysis. Nursing, 65(6), 1328–1341.

Cronin, P., Ryan, F., & Coughlan, M. (2010). Concept analysis in healthcare research. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 17(2), 62–68.

DiNapoli, P. P., Nelson, J., Turkel, M., & Watson, J. (2010). Measuring the caritas processes: Caring factor survey. International Journal for Human Caring, 14(3), 16–21.

Kelly, L., & Vincent, D. (2010).The dimensions of nursing surveillance: A concept analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 67(3), 652–661.

Lin, L., Acquaye, A., Vera-Bolanos, E., Cahill, J., Gilbert, M., & Armstrong, T. (2012). Validation of the Mishel’s uncertainty in illness scale-brain tumor form (MUIS-BT). Journal of Neuro-Oncology, 110(2), 2923–300.

Tofthagen, R. (2010). Rodgers’ evolutionary concept analysis — a valid method for developing knowledge in nursing science. Scandinavian Journal of Caring

Sciences, 24, 21–31.

200 word minimum

Unit 4

Topic 1: Defining Nursing Metaparadigms

Using the concept you selected in Week 2 and looking at your selective readings, explain how the four metaparadigm concepts (person, health, nursing, and environment) relate to the concept of interest you chose in Unit 2.

Answer from week 2

The selected concept of interest is critical analysis of literature to better serve you clients, a concept is a stepping stone of theories that classify a concept of phenomena of an interest (Alligood, 2014). The concepts can be abstract or concrete. This concept was selected due to the interest that it elicits in me. What to do when your client’s symptoms turn for the worst and your critical skills are needed. What to do when your client is unresponsive, diaphoretic , but is breathing and has a faint or thready pulse? Do you call rapid response or a code? Do you start with their symptoms and check their blood sugar ? What to do when a client refuses to take a medication that is detrimental to their health? Critical thinking and analysis gives you the ability to do what’s best for the client. Critical analysis helps a researcher to analyze literature in an effort to understand the literature, gain new knowledge or identify knowledge gaps that exist in the topic of interest. I hope to gain new insight from the selected method of concept analysis, such as how the method is used to analyze literature, as well as how it can be applied in doing so. This correlates with the Theoretical and Operational concepts as well.

Also, I hope to gain new knowledge on the advantages of using this method of concept analysis over the other methods. This method of concept analysis is critical to the nursing profession in that it provides a method of critically appraising nursing articles and journals, which is a vital process in learning and research in nursing.

200 word minimum

Sources used

Nursing Theorists and Their Work 8th ed.

Author: Alligood, M. R.

ISBN: 978-0-323-09194-7

Publisher: Mosby Elsevier

eBook or Physical text: Physical