Read the following article and complete the questions below.



You will need to reference the article below as well to answer the first three questions:





1. What type of study was conducted for this research?

2. Where on the nursing research evidence hierarchy does this study fall?

3. In your own words, provide a summary description of the level this evidence falls under.

4. What theoretical framework was used in the design of this study?

5. According to this article the “double bereaved child” is defined as what?

6.  summarize The Divorced Family-Focused Care Model and its four themes.

7. How can you incorporate this model into your nursing practice?

8. What do you believe is the nurse’s role when dealing with a doubly bereaved child?

9. How would you assess the needs of a family dealing with these issues?

10. What types of services and support do you believe these children and their families need? 

11. What would be your top concerns when dealing with these families?