Mrs. Sally, a white born on 1/2/1945 with the history of present diarrhea, she has a past medical and surgical history of Depression, anxiety and heart failure, and {HTN}. Her VS: Temperature 98.4, Blood pressure 98/60, pulse 110-120, respiration 70bpm. Her height is 5.3 inch and she is 145 lbs. in weight. Her bowel sound is normal and has BM this morning, her frequency of BM is everyday. she take 40 ounces of water in 24 hours. Urinary out put is good and her skin integrity is dry in temperature with the Tenting in Turgor, her musculoskeletal posture is slumped with weakness in muscle joint. She described her pain in scale as 8/10 and the location of the pain is her stomach, the pain begins five days ago with a turning of stomach. Coughing, trying to eat and body movement make the pain worse. The effect of her lifestyle , mood, socialization and ADL’S  is isolation. Her sleeping habit is 8 hours without trouble falling asleep with the aid of melotonium. She coping with stress with her husband help, she also relax watching movies etc. she has no religion affliated.