
Task one

Address the following feedback below in paper

Opportunities for improvement: I would have liked to have seen much more detail in relation to any gaps in resources and how you would recommend closing those gaps…. How will you identify appropriate vendors in the event that additional resources would be needed? What about MPOUs/MOAs?? More detail that specifically identifies normal, emergency, and recovery funding sources from local, state, county, and federal sources would have been warranted… A couple of minor grammar/APA errors……. Try to be more specific in the key components of the IPs, rather than write in generalizations; Level I headings are centered and in bold font and not in all caps… … Always include a good introduction that informs the reader as to what your paper is all about and wrap up your papers up with a brief conclusion… Review proper formatting for your Reference page … make sure you cover the following in your final KA:

  • include a training outline that incorporates new members and existing members.
    • The outline should address the various levels of operation: policy, strategic, tactical, and task.
  • Select an appropriate organizational construct for your region.
    • Determine which agencies will be involved in your larger group, and explain why they belong.
  • Include the financial plan to support your agency’s strategic plan, training plan, and involvement in a regional collaboration (or other organizational construct).
  • Provide a list of resources that are available compared to a shortfall of anticipated resources.
    • List the mutual-aid capacity where these shortfall items may be obtained.
  • Supply a sample MOA that identifies emergency funding, procedures, and policy that support the selection and use of vendors that would be used in lieu of mutual-aid resources.
  • Supply a policy or procedure for emergency purchasing, including a chain-of-command identification by position of function, not by individual name.
    • This procedure should include actions that address the compromise of the normal flow to ensure that the system will function and not rely upon individuals only.
  • Add a scenario that is based on a strategic planning model (in general terms) that addresses the following:
    • The idea of scenario planning as an alternate method
    • A biological event at the local level.
      • This may be as simple as community-acquired influenza of no specific origin (a difficult flu season).

KEY POINT: Your IP is focused on an issue as opposed to a hazard… I highly recommend that you shift your focus to a specific jurisdiction and use terrorism as the hazard, rather than focusing on the issue of radicalization.

Additional Comments: Strategic planning serves a variety of purposes in organization, including but not limited to clearly defining the purpose of the organization and to establish realistic goals and objectives consistent with that mission in a defined time frame within the organization’s capacity for implementation, To communicate those goals and objectives to the organization’s constituents, To develop a sense of ownership of the plan and to ensure the most effective use is made of the organization’s resources by focusing the resources on the key priorities…..