Your assignment is to write a research paper in journal format with a minimum of 1650 words and amaximum of 2000 words (not including the reference section) on a specific topic within your previouslyassigned IE topic. (Example 1 If your topic was Engineering economy, then a specific topic one mightconsider is geometric gradients, or cost/benefit ratios; Example 2 an Operations research sub-topic might belinear programming or queueing theory). If you do not know what your previously assigned topic was, thensee research assignment #2 tables.It must be word-processed, single-spaced (with 1-double space between paragraphs) and fully justified (i.e.,full justification Must be used throughout). Also, you must have a margin size of 1 inch on all sides (i.e., wherethe top, bottom, left and right sides are even) of your submitted assignment. Font size for text must be 12 ptand the font type should be Times New Roman throughout this assignment unless otherwise specified below.You may use parts of your written research paper #2 along with the references to help introduce and developthe specific topic of this research paper #3. Your topic must address how your specific sub-topic is relevant toits broader topic and to the field of Industrial engineering.Format: This assignment is to be written in journal format with the following specifications. All items are tobegin on the first page of the assignment and continue on that page. (Thus, there is no title page when writingin journal format). Title: The title should begin exactly 1 inch from the top of the paper on the first page of thepaper in 14 pt bold-type font and centered, and your name should appear 1 double spaced beneath the title(not in bold, but 12 pt size font). Next, the Abstract section should summarize what your research paper isabout, followed by a line called Keywords where you list in horizontal format (i.e., across the page) 2-4words/phrases (as they are written in most refereed journal articles) that are significant to your topic.In addition, each research paper should have a minimum of the following headings: Introduction (whichintroduces your general topic) , Background (which goes into more about your defined specific topic),Explanation of Topic (assume your reader knows nothing about your topic and you must include a properlyformatted equation within your explanation on how the author attempted to solve a problem), Relevance oftopic to IE (how does your topic relate back to industrial engineering), Summary (what facts, importance,solutions, etc. were solved within the research topic area), Conclusions (generalized summary of your paperwhich is equivalent to the size of introduction), and References. These headings should be in bold-type fontwith 12 pt size. NOTE: This assignment is worth 15% of your grade. Thus, grammar, spelling, punctuation,capitalization, and formatting are critical as much as the technical content of your paper.References: To assist you in completing this assignment, you must use a minimum of 5 references including 3refereed journal articles. The source used from research assignment #2 may be included as part of therequired 5 references. Additional sources may be used as well and all must be included in the referencesection.Next, proper in-text citations MUST appear as (Authors last name, year) within the research paper. The styleof references and in-text citations that will be used for this assignment is the APA-style. Additional APAformatting information can be found at the Purdue OWL website at and click the appropriate Reference List item on theleft column for the type of source you are using. Be sure that this is done EXACTLY as shown. Safe Assign willbe activated.