

In this activity, you will create test cases for username and password login. Test cases are created by developers to test the functionality, performance, security, and compliance of a web service. For example, if you are worried about SQL injection attacks, you can develop a test case that simulates an attack and use it to verify whether or not your web service is secure. Test cases can be executed by people or they can be an automated function of your system.

The following video, How to write a TEST CASE: Software Testing Tutorial (3:30) (captioned video available here), provides some basic information on test cases that will not only help you to better understand the purpose of a test case, but also provides information that will help you complete this activity.


After viewing the video, complete the 10 test cases presented in this Module Six Activity Test Case table. Within the table, you will write a test case for each form object present in the sample login on page one.

  • You will need to complete the Test Steps and Test Data columns for tests 2–8. (Test case 1 has already been completed as an example for you.)
  • For test cases 9 and 10, you will need to complete all three columns. You will add your own validation test cases for the username and password login, along with the test steps and test data.
    For example, you may want to test the requirement for a password to have 8 characters that include a symbol and a number.
    • Test data for the password could be: 2#DrEfd
    • This should be a failed test given the requirement of at least 8 characters. If the operation fails, the test is successful. If the operation succeeds, the test fails and the testers record the negative result in the test log for developers to correct.

The test cases (1–10) should take you through the process of testing the entire login page.