
WK 1 Discussion: Answer Discussion question 250 word. Respond to 3 classmates 250 words each.


CO1: Summarize the link between mental illness and criminal behavior.

CO2: Analyze the social responses to mental illness historically and through discussion of current events.

Discussion #1: How do you feel that current events have influenced perceptions of mental illness and criminal behavior? How does this differ from the historical perspective?

Classmate 1 Katie: It is my opinion that current events have a great influence over society’s perception of the relationship that mental illness and criminal behavior go hand in hand. Sadly, it seems that whenever there is a mass shooting and/or horrific act of violence that takes place involving a firearm the first thing we hear the media start shouting about “Gun Control and Mental Illness”. There have been studies conducted that found that as many as two-thirds of all mass shooters likely suffer/suffered from mental illness prior to their crime sprees. The shooters often present with clear signs of delusional thinking, paranoia, or irrational feelings of oppression connected with illnesses such as schizophrenia and bipolar related psychosis (Swearer, 2019).

I feel that many members of our society think that the cure to end mental illness and criminal behavior alike is to ban and/or isolate it; merrily the tactic of out of sight out of mind. Furthermore, this is seems to me the exact reason why mental illness and criminal behavior are viewed in the same light in which society for the most part has turned a blind eye in general. This has resulted in the lack of resources for the mentally ill which in turn leads them into the criminal justice system, as often they use illegal substances to self-medicate in attempts to feel “better”, “numb” out, and/or quiet the voices in their head. In our text this week it states ” In short, when persons with co-occurring disorders- most of them with SMIs and substance abuse and dependence disorders- come to the attention of police, officers have no choice but to arrest them, given the lack of available referrals within narrowly defined treatment systems (Brown, Ridgely, Pepper, Levine & Ryglewicz,1989).” This text was written thirty-two years ago and we as a society are still treating individuals suffering with mental illness in the same exact manner. Once in the criminal justice system many of these individuals will remain there for a lifetime; whether spending time in jail and/or prison, overnight stays, being on probation/ parole, or on the run from the law. It unfortunate that once these members of our society are in the grips of the criminal justice system that they are unable to remove themselves unless they gain the proper treatment and support.

However, I wanted to end on a positive note and I personally feel that mental illness is being talked more openly about which I believe will lead to shift in our society. It is my hope that society realizes that many mentally ill do not want to partake in criminal acts but end up there with out the right tools.



Brown, V., Ridgely, M., Pepper, B., Levine, I., & Ryglewicz, H. (1989). “The Dual Crisis: Mental Health Illness and Substance Abuse.” American Psychologist 44: 565-569

Swearer, A (2019). The role of mental illness in mass shootings, suicides. Retrieved from

Classmate 2 Angela: I can’t speak from a broader global perspective, but I can speak from a rural Montana perspective. Current events have lessened tolerance for mental health disorders in the general public. Mental health disorders and substance abuse are not viewed with pity or sympathy, but with derision and disgust. With everything that is going on in the world, surely people can just be happy with what they have, or just not use illicit substances to help them cope. Depression, anxiety, and isolation are increasing as the pandemic continues. While there are no longer lock-downs, social distancing is still encouraged, and those who are at particular risk are becoming more isolated. In turn, substance abuse is on the rise. According to, substance use and overdose is on the rise. In the article “Substance use during the pandemic,” published one year in, opioid and stimulant use is on the rise. As of June 2020, 13% of Americans admitted to an increase in substance use as a way to cope with stress. Overdoses increased 18% in the early months of the pandemic. Along with this, attitudes toward substance use, at least in my rural community, has decreased. Substance abuse is seen as more of a choice or a weakness, harkening back to decades or even centuries old mentalities. Judging from listening to community members around me, substance use is seen as a crime, because people are choosing to use these substances knowing they are illegal, and thus it’s a criminal justice problem, not a psychological problem. This is also the community which hesitates to seek psychological assistance for mental health issues because depression is just being sad, and one only needs to “man up” and deal with “sadness.” My mentor has been a psychologist in this community for 40 years, and has seen it all. According to her, people still don’t seek help due to the “good ol’ boy mentality” that looks down on asking for help with mental disorders or flat-out denies that they exist. My own family (now estranged) thinks that psychology is a pseudoscience and my schooling is a waste of time. While this is not a reflection of every member of the community, this does reflect the overall idea of mental illness and substance abuse. Crime is crime, and if a person uses an illegal substance, or drinks and drives, they deserve to go to jail, end of story. And that is not to mention the absolutely appalling court-ordered mental health options in the community.

In particular, one of the readings from this week caught my eye: “Responding to probationers with mental illness.” My husband has been on probation for 6 years this October. He completed his court-ordered anger management and CBT. Neither of which were worth the $50 a week we had to pay. When these classes are run by people without training, and the same book is used for both classes, these probationers are not going to benefit. Probation officers make sure that the class hours have been completed, not if they are effective. My husband sees a psychologist outside of the criminal justice system, and she is amazing. She also pulls no punches when discussing the effectiveness (read: lack thereof) of the community mental health center, where she worked for 15+ years. While the intentions of the criminal justice system may be to “fix” everyone by sending them for proven therapies, if the client is not willing to change, and/or the therapy is not conducted correctly, there will be little to no effect. Standing on the sidelines, I see the same people with whom my husband completed class reoffending, on the jail roster, or absolutely out of their minds on drugs around town. I believe that at least here, we have not progressed past the point of treating mental illness as a crime.

Babchuck et al state that probationer’s mental health problems are likely neglected unless they fall into the treatment of their criminal behaviors. Community resources are limited or nonexistent for the treatment of mental health disorders and substance abuse. There is a lack of opportunities, especially for those probationers on Medicaid programs which will only pay for certain services from certain providers. Providers such as the professional that my husband sees have a sliding scale for people without healthcare coverage for her services, and her fees are nominal. However, there are not a lot of providers who are willing to work with probationers in this way.

Society’s treatment of the mentally ill and substance abusers is not getting better, in part because lawmakers and politicians are not pushing for changes in laws and policy. Crime is crime. And this is only hurting those who do have mental health disorders. Jails and prisons are not equipped to treat them. There are few if any treatment options outside of jail or prison in many rural communities.

I know that I have rambled on for quite a while for this post, and for that I apologize. Seeing things from this angle has made me very passionate about this subject, and I very much look forward to the discussions this week. Thank you for reading,


Abramson, A. (2021). Substance use during the pandemic.

Babchuk, L. (2012). Responding to probationers with mental illness. Shibboleth.

Classmate 3 Jamie: I believe that current events, specifically those in which have resulted in the loss of human life, have definitely increased awareness of mental illness and criminal behavior. The perceptions of mental illness are changing. The evidence of mental health programs in the workplace, mental health advocacy on social platforms and public acknowledgement of individuals who suffer from mental illness has decreased the stigma of mental illness. Moreover, society agrees that mental illness needs to be prioritized.

In recent police shootings of individuals who have mental illness, society has recognized the criminal action by the individual may not have occurred if the mental illness of that individual was addressed over the committed offense. In May 2021, the Lancaster Police Department shot and killed Kalon Horton, after responding to call of Horton firing a weapon inside his apartment with a women and child present (Heinz &Guerrero, 2021). Horton was released from a mental health evaluation just hours prior to the incident. Lancaster police had conducted an emergency detention on Horton and taken him to Methodist Hospital, who released him that morning before his death (Heinz &Guerrero, 2021). This incident is one of many, police have the duty to protect the lives of others and in certain situations may not provide ample time to address an individual’s mental illness. In this incident, the police appropriately placed Horton in hospital care for his mental episode. The fact that police killed him just hours after his release shows that Horton either was not treated or given lack of treatment. Horton’s unaddressed mental emergency led to his death. The title of Honberg and Gruttadaro article, Flawed mental health polices and the tragedy of criminalization, perfectly correlates to the above-mention incident (Honberg &Gruttadaro, 2005). The lack of treatment from a designated mental health facility led to Horton committing a criminal act that caused his death.

In all actuality, this incident was newsworthy because there is a mental health crisis that is still not receiving the proper resolutions. Cities are now considering mental illness crisis response teams to individuals experiencing a mental health emergency; however, unless appropriate treatment is provided, the crisis perpetuate. Barilla mentions that police officers are usually the “sole community resource” for response in mental illness emergency (Barilla 2012, p. 11). Law enforcement as a sole resource is the reason why there is criminality is associated with mental illness. The main duty of officers is to “enforce” laws; therefore, most resolutions to mental illness related emergencies conclude with arresting an individual on a criminal offense.

The historical perception of mental illness has not completed dissipated; however, the discussion and acknowledgement of mental illness is more widely accepted. Moreover, society has created pathways to address this crisis. The stigma related to mental illness is greatly fading; however, there is still a lack of financial and political support to focus on the issued at hand (Honberg & Gruttadaro, 2005). I do believe that the punitive approach for mental illness is still evident today, de-intuitionalism has just transformed into criminal incarceration.


Barillas, M. E. (2012). Police officers as first line responders: Improving mental health training to effectively serve the mentally ill population (Order No. 3499136). Available from ProQuest Central; ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (928948086). Retrieved from

Heinz, F. and Guerrero, M. (May 10, 2021). Lancaster police fatally shoot man firing gun, who hours before, was held for mental evaluation. NBCDFW news. Retrieved from…

Honberg, R. and Gruttadaro, D. (2005). Flawed mental health polices and the tragedy of criminalization.Corrections Today, 67(1), 22-27. Retrieved from…