
For this assignment, you will develop a PowerPoint presentation that summarizes the concepts presented in this unit. You should prepare your presentation as if your audience is a group of new critical infrastructure professionals who are going through training and indoctrination.

In your presentation, you must address the information below.

What is critical infrastructure? Why is critical infrastructure protection important to the safety and security of the United States?

Explain the concepts of convergence and cyberterrorism as they relate to critical infrastructure protection (CIP). Include why cyberterrorism and cyber-related threats are at the forefront of CIP efforts. Support your explanations using real (preferred) or hypothetical examples from at least three different critical infrastructure sectors that fully illustrate both concepts.

  • Finally, summarize the four classes of impacts that can result from a disruption in infrastructure. For each class, you must provide an example to illustrate the impact. Each example must be from a different critical infrastructure sector.