
For your final project, we will take a closer look at domestic violence (DV)/intimate partner violence (IPV) through different types of lenses. As we know, DV/IPV impacts people in many facets and many attempts have been made at the federal, state, and local levels to combat DV/IPV. The purpose of this project is to examine some of those lenses by taking a deeper dive into laws/policies about DV/IPV, victim service programs in Nebraska that serve DV/IPV victims/survivors, and/or a marginalized or specialized population that is impacted by DV/IPV. I have listed three options to choose from, but you only need to choose one to write/present about. Students will have the option to write a paper about the topic they are choosing, or you can choose to create a PowerPoint presentation using VidGrid and present your topic. 

Option 1: Pick a domestic violence policy/law (either federal or state) and conduct a policy analysis about it (e.g., VAWA, FVPSA, NE DV law).

Option 2: Pick a domestic violence program in Nebraska and discuss it.

Option 3: Pick a marginalized or specialized population impacted by domestic violence and write a paper or create a presentation about it.