Answer the following question: According to Eric Foners textbook, Give Me Liberty!, why was
the era following the Mexican American War (1846-48) marked by growing political polarization
in the United States? To support your answer, summarize Foners explanation of the role of two
of the following four topics in increasing political polarization between 1848 and 1860: The
Fugitive Slave Act, the Kansas Nebraska Act, the Dred Scott v Stanford Supreme Court decision,
or the raid on Harpers Ferry.
Your answer should include one paragraph to answer the first question, and one paragraph per
topic, for a total of three (3) paragraphs. Because you are summarizing the Foner text, you
should not draw from any outside sources as part of answering this question.
PART 2: Civil War (30%)
Why, in Abraham Lincolns 1861 inaugural address, does he argue that the central idea of
secession, is the essence of anarchy? Why, according to Abraham Lincolns July 4, 1861 speech
to Congress, does he describe southern states as being in rebellion, rather than having seceded
from the United States? Answer each of these two questions with at least one substantial
paragraph. Include and analyze a quote from the text as part of your answer.
PART 3: Emancipation (50%)
Write a short essay that answers this question: how did African Americans contribute to the
end of slavery in the United States, and to the Union winning the Civil War?
Your essay should have an introductory paragraph summarizing your answer to both parts of
the question (the end of slavery and the end of the Civil War). The first body paragraph should
answer the first part of the question and the second body paragraph should answer the second
part of the question. Each paragraph should draw information from and explain at least one
quote from at least one document in assigned reading for August 22.
Extra Credit (up to 3% extra)
Drawing from assigned primary source reading for and lecture on August 18, explain how
creation of the Republic of Texas (1836-45) might help us understand something the origins of
the U.S. Civil War (1861-65). Minimum two paragraphs.