In this Discussion, you will select a Feminist artist who does work that you find powerful and interesting. You will then post a 550-750 word Expressive Analysis of one of her works. You will justify your opinions based on key ideas and concepts from the readings and online links (listed on this page), as well as your own observations, ideas and insights.
Step One: Select a Feminist Work of Art to Write About
Before you select an artist to write about, please read the overview about the Feminist Art Movement located at this link:
Feminist Art Movement, Artists and Major Works/The Art Story (Links to an external site.)
Thoroughly read and explore the home page until you are familiar with the Feminist Art Movement. Be sure to take lots of notes. Links to pages about Key Artists in this movement are listed below. If, during your exploration, you discover a different Feminist artist, not included in this list, whose work you would rather write about, you may do so.
Please note: The internet is filled with information, images, and videos by and about these artists. I encourage you to do additional research about the artist you select. In addition, you may also post a link to a video by or about the artist and their work. Please cite your sources.
Key Artists
Judy Chicago (Links to an external site.)
Miriam Shapiro (Links to an external site.)
Barbara Kruger (Links to an external site.)
Jenny Holzer (Links to an external site.)
Faith Ringgold (Links to an external site.)
Betye Saar (Links to an external site.)
Martha Rosler (Links to an external site.)
Sherrie Levine (Links to an external site.)
Laurie Anderson (Links to an external site.)
Important Notice
Please do not select images of nudity that might be considered too graphic or disturbing.
Please only include images that are appropriate within the standards of this institution. I respect your choice of writing topics, but some images may be disturbing to some individuals and too strong to include. Some art is like that. If you have selected an image to write about, but are unsure whether it is appropriate, please contact me for guidance before you write your reflection.
High resolution images are preferred.
Step Two: Post in the Class Discussion
After you select a work of art, write and post a 550-750 word Expressive Analysis, in which you will examine the artist’s life experiences, personality and worldview and how these shape their art as a carrier of powerful personal meanings.
At the beginning of each paragraph, write a concise topic sentence that clearly states what the paragraph is about. This topic sentence will help frame the controlling argument for each paragraph and will help your reader follow your key ideas.
Paragraph One: Description and Main Theme
This paragraph should be between 150-200 words.
First, post an image of the work of art you are writing about.
In your topic sentence, clearly state the main or overarching theme the artist is working with. Do this in one sentence.
For example:
“In The Two Frida’s, artist Frida Kahlo explores notions of womanhood in traditional Mexican culture.”
Next, describe the work of art. As you did in Discussion 3 (Formal Analysis), describe the work as you would to someone who hasn’t seen it. Paint a detailed picture with words and thoroughly describe the different areas of the work.
Paragraph Two: Artist’s Personal Life
This paragraph should be between 150-200 words.
In your topic sentence, summarize the connection between the artist’s personal life and her art. Do this in one sentence. Pick only one main issue to write about and focus on that. Don’t try to write about everything.
For example:
“Frida Kahlo’s personal history of physical and emotional trauma directly impacts the psychological intensity of her self portrait, The Two Fridas.”
Next, describe this main issue in greater depth. Provide more detail about the artist’s key personal experiences and explain how they shape her art as a carrier of powerful personal meanings. Before you write this paragraph, be sure to thoroughly read the page about the artist found in The Art Story, (Links to an external site.) and take notes about her biography, artistic legacy, and accomplishments.
It may be helpful to consider some of these factors:
- Artist’s personality and worldview
- Artist’s personal creative motivations
- Artist’s expressive tendencies
- Psychological considerations
- Race and gender issues
Paragraph Three: Medium and Materials
This paragraph should be between 150-200 words.
In your topic sentence, summarize the artist’s unique approach to using their medium and materials to create their work. Do this in one sentence.
For example:
“In The Two Frida’s, artist Frida Kahlo paints in a surrealistic style that draws attention to the contradictions in her life.”
Next, describe this unique approach in detail, and explain how it impacts, or is integral to, the viewer’s experience of the work. What is the artist trying to say or express by doing it this way? In other words, explain how this approach reinforces the message or narrative in the work and contributes to making a powerful visual statement.
You must include 2-3 specific supporting observations from your chosen art object. Each sentence must be clear and descriptive.
Paragraph Four: Making a Difference (Evaluation)
This paragraph should be between 100-150 words.
In your topic sentence, summarize whether, why/why not, or how this work of art made a difference to you, or to your way of thinking about feminist issues, beyond mere amusement or decoration. Do this in one sentence. Stay focused and don’t try to write about everything. Keep it real.
You may wish to consider the following:
- What initial ideas or feelings come to mind after experiencing the work of art?
- Do you identify with the work? Based on your life experiences, is it personally relevant to you?
- Does the work impact your way of thinking about these issues?
- What is it about the work of art that you like the most? The message? The way it was made or composed?
- Are you engaged by the formal characteristics, such as the way the artist used light, color, texture, space, scale, etc?
- Do you think your experience of the work is the same as what the artist intended?