
In this assignment, you will use Microsoft PowerPoint to create a detailed presentation with a minimum of 10 slides on the impact that the Soviet Union had on global terrorism until its fall in 1991. Include the war between the Soviet Union and Afghanistan within your presentation.

Secondly, you will also be required to discuss the change in global terrorism in modern-day Russia from 1991 to today. Include the current terrorist groups that target Russia as well as what led to their creation.

Please be sure to add notes and commentary on each slide of your presentation. Your submission should also include photographs, graphs, charts, data analytics, and examples of terrorist attacks within the borders of Russia.

You are required to use at least your textbook and two outside scholarly or government sources. All sources used, including the textbook, must be cited and referenced according to APA guidelines with grammar and writing mechanics at a Mater's degree level for this global terrorism course in criminal justice administration.