Each answer should be three full, substantive paragraphs or longer.

Must cite the TEXTBOOK in every answer.(Textbook is attached) https://www.mediafire.com/file/pti800kftxkpi0s/BookOriginal.pdf/file

Must cite another ARTICLE per answer. 

Please use in-text citation.

List of articles you may use: 

“Lead Your Business Through the Coronavirus Crisis.” (Reeves, Lang & Carlsson-Szlezak, 2020).  

“Stop Talking About How CSR Helps Your Bottom Line” (Meier & Cassar, 2018).

"Global Supply Chains in a Post-Pandemic World” (Shih, 2020).

Greiner, M. & Julian, S. (2020, July 13). “Avoid Making this Strategic Mistake in a Recession.” Harvard Business Review. Retrieved at hbr.org.

Porter, M. (2008, January). “The Five Competitive Forces that Shape Strategy.” Harvard Business Review. Retrieved at hbr.org.

Carlsson-Szlezak, P. Reeves, M. & Swartz, P. (2020, March 3). “What Coronavirus Could Mean for the Global Economy.” Harvard Business Review. Retrieved at hbr.org.

Guillen, M. (2020, July 7). “How Businesses Have Successfully Pivoted During the Pandemic.” Harvard Business Review. Retrieved at hbr.org.

Beer, M. (2020, June 22). “6 Reasons Your Strategy Isn’t Working.” Harvard Business Review. Retrieved at hbr.org.

1.     Explain the differences between multidomestic, global, and transnational strategies. What are the pros and cons of each?  Pick three items from this list of the bestselling products on Amazon and make an argument for why one should adopt a multidomestic strategy, another should adopt a global strategy, and the last one should adopt a transnational strategy.


2.    How can strategic alliances, joint ventures, and partnerships bolster a company’s resources and capabilities?  Why do theyfail?  How can they benefit companies during a crisis such as Hurricane Harvey or COVID-19?

3.    Describe and discuss the principal managerial components of good strategy execution.  Use your team’s Business Strategy Game simulation to illustrate an example of good (or poor) execution.

5.     Why is leadership important for strategy execution and what specific things can managers do to be better leaders here?  How might this apply when inflation is rampant or in an economic crisis?  How can managers lead in ways that improve execution during such times?