How do your sexual attitudes, values and behaviors compare to what you believe are normal sexual behaviors? If they are different, how do you reconcile these?
What information in the exercise was most significant to you? This could include new information, new insights, or information you are hesitant to accept. Why was it
significant to you?
complete TWO written exercise and write a reaction paper for each if those exercises. Exercises must be chosen from different areas of focus of the course. There are 6
exercises following this page. pick TWO of these. Your choice?. Personal information expressed in these papers will be kept strictly confidential. Your reaction paper should also answer the following questions concerning the exercise you completed: 1. What information in the exercise was most significant to you? This could include new information, new insights, or information you are hesitant to accept.
Why was it significant to you? 2. How do you think the exercise will change what you will do in the future? Give reasons for change or lack of change.These papers must be typed. Please staple the exercise and paper together before submitting. Each paper must be headed with your name. The strength of your response
is based on your ability to think and respond critically to the exercise. 50 pointsPick 2 of the exercises on the following pages. Include a copy of the exercise you choose, your response, and the questions listed above for each of the exercise you
choose. 1. How do your sexual attitudes, values and behaviors compare to what you believe are normal sexual behaviors? If they are different, how do you reconcile
these? If they are similar, how do you feel about others who may not share them? Dont forget to add the 2 questions and your responses as described in the syllabus and on the page entitled exercise assignment.2. Do you believe that sex research benefits individuals and society or that it leads to moral decay? Explain Dont forget to add the 2 questions and your responses as described in the syllabus and on page 1 of the exercise papers.3. Imagine that you are the parent of a newborn and the doctor approaches you with the diagnosis that your childs sex is ambiguous. What, if anything would you
do? Whom might you consult? What might you tell your family and other?Dont forget to add the 2 questions and your responses as described in the syllabus and on page 1
of the exercise papers.4. Who in your family would be most accepting and most rejecting of homosexuality? Why? How do these attitudes impact you and your feelings about sexual
orientation? Dont forget to add the 2 questions and your responses as described in the syllabus and on page 1 of the exercise papers.5. What is the role of parents in communicating and modeling a definition of sexual health? What topics should be included in this discussion? What (if anything)
should be omitted? Why? Dont forget to add the 2 questions and your responses as described in the syllabus and on page 1 of the exercise papers.6. What gender differences do you see, if any, between how men and women respond to love?Dont forget to add the 2 questions and your responses as described in the syllabus and on page 1 of the exercise papers.7. Do you believe that there are gender differences between what men and women share about past lovers? If so, why do these exist? If not, why not? Dont forget to add the 2 questions and your responses as described in the syllabus and on page 1 of the exercise papers.8. Do you think hooking up behavior has increased on your college campus? If so, what impact do you think it has on men and women?Dont forget to add the 2 questions and your responses as described in the syllabus and on page 1 of the exercise papers.9. Where would you draw the line between out-of-the-ordinary sexual variation and sexual variation that is a mental disorder? Dont forget to add the 2 questions and your responses as described in the syllabus and on page 1 of the exercise papers.10. Does Female Genital Cutting violate the human rights of girls and women? If so, in what ways? If not, why?Dont forget to add the 2 questions and your responses as described in the syllabus and on page 1 of the exercise papers.