Develop a nursing care plan that contains three (3) nursing interventions that would be appropriate for the patient at this stage of her presentation.
Assessment item 3
Case Study Part B: Nursing Care B
Value: 50%
Due date: 29-Sep-2017
Return date: 23-Oct-2017
Length: 2000
Submission method options
EASTS (online)
This part of the assessment task requires you to develop a nursing care plan for the patient in the
provided case study. In order to do this, you will need to consider the role of the interdisciplinary
team and registered nurse in the management of this patient.
In addition to a brief introduction and conclusion, Part B of your report should include:
A discussion of the guiding principles of health coaching, self-management, empowerment and
advocacy in the collaborative management of the patient and her family, and how these can improve
outcomes for them.
Develop a nursing care plan that contains three (3) nursing interventions that would be appropriate
for the patient at this stage of her presentation.
Each intervention must be supported by a rationale that explains how it is keeping with the guiding
principles discussed in your report and/or how it is consistent with current best practice.
Discuss the role of the registered nurse in the acute medical ward in the management of this patient
and her family. Provided an analysis of three (3) ways in which the registered nurse could collaborate
with other members of the interdisciplinary team to co-ordinate the provision of holistic and
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comprehensive care to the patient and her family. This would include referrals to and involvement of
care providers both in the acute and discharge settings for services that may be required when patient
returns home.
Your report must adhere to academic writing conventions. Sub-headings may be used, but dot points
and tables should not be included in your report.
You should support your discussion with a MINIMUM 12 recent (less than 7 years old) and credible
sources. Credible sources include, peer reviewed journal articles, text-books, evidence summaries, best
practice guidelines, government documents, health facility clinical guidelines and policies/procedures
and websites containing content aimed at health professionals. Please note that lecture slides will not
be considered to be appropriate sources for this assessment task.
Please note that you can and should refer to any relevant information from Part A of your report
without needing to repeat it in this assessment item. For example, as discussed previously in Part
A of this report
Case Study for Part B
Angela has presented to her GP with increasing shortness of breath, increased sputum production,
which has changed to dark yellow with green staining. She has been feeling unwell for several days
and delayed seeking any intervention as her daughter was away and she has had 3 grandchildren
staying. Her SaO2 is 84% on room air, temperature 38.4 C, she is significantly dyspnoeic, struggling
to say more than 5 words without a breath. Her pulse is 104bpm and her BP remains elevated at
162/102mmHg. Angela admits she has not been diligent in taking her medication for this as she has
heard friends say this medication gave them a cough and she was worried about it impacting on her
The GP has admitted her to hospital for IV antibiotics and oral prednisolone, salbutamol and atrovent
nebulisers and oxygen therapy to maintain SpO2 above 92%. Angela is quite upset at being
hospitalised as she feels it will inconvenience her family and leave her daughters struggling for
It is known that chronic disease is the leading cause of death across the world (Johnson & Chang,
2014). Nurses need to be able to provide care to all health consumers, with a significant role in
assessing a person, planning care, communicating with colleagues and ensuring that the holistic needs
are met and evaluated. The ongoing nature of the conditions can result in longer term debilitating
outcomes if not addressed appropriately. Children, young people, adults and older adults all
experience the full range of health issues yet manage them differently.
This assessment task addresses the following subject learning outcomes:
Plan nursing care for patients with complex co-morbidities demonstrating rationale for how
one affects the other (NMBA 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 4.1,4.2,4.3,4.4, 5.1,5.2,5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 6.1,
7.1,7.2, 7.3).
Plan nursing care of a patient with a co-morbidity in consultation with individuals/groups
significant others and the interdisciplinary health care team in the clinical setting (NMBA
2.6,2.8, 3.6, 6.3)
Collaborate with the interdisciplinary health care team to provide comprehensive nursing
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care in the clinical setting (NMBA 2.6,2.7, 2.8, 3.3,3.6,4.3, 5.2, 6.3, 6.4).
Marking criteria
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NRS 223 Assessment Item 3 Assignment Part B Marking Criteria
Criteria HD DI CR PS FL Mark
Discusses the
Guiding Principles
used to Plan Nursing
Care for People with
Chronic and
Complex Conditions
(15 marks)
There is a detailed, concise and
accurate discussion of the use of
the guiding principles to plan
nursing care in the context of
chronic and complex illness, with
clear links consistently made to
the patient in the case study.
13-15 marks
There is an accurate and
detailed discussion of the use
of the guiding principles to
plan nursing care in the
context of chronic and
complex illness, with clear
links frequently made to the
patient in the case study.
11.5-12.5 marks
There is an accurate
discussion of the use
of the guiding
principles to plan
nursing care in the
context of chronic
illness, with some
links made to the
patient in the case
10-11 marks
There is a brief,
general and accurate
explanation of the
use of the guiding
principles to plan
nursing care in the
context of chronic
and complex illness.
There is minimal or
no reference to the
patient in the case
7.5-9.5 marks
There is a very brief and/or
superficial discussion of the
guiding principles
The guiding principles are
discussed in general terms
without specific reference
to their use in planning
nursing care for patients
with chronic and complex
One or more guiding
principles have not been
Multiple incorrect and/or
have been made about the
use of the guiding
principles to plan nursing
care for patients with
chronic and complex
0-7 marks
Identifies the role of
the registered nurse
The nursing care plan contains 3
distinct, safe and highly
appropriate nursing interventions
that identify the role of the
The nursing care plan contains
3 distinct, safe and appropriate
nursing interventions that
The nursing care plan
includes 3 distinct,
safe and appropriate
nursing interventions
that identify the role
of the registered nurse
The nursing care
includes 3 distinct,
safe and appropriate
interventions that
identify the role of
The nursing care plan does
not include 3 distinct
nursing interventions
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Criteria HD DI CR PS FL Mark
and plans and
Justifies appropriate
Interventions for a
Patient with a
Chronic and
Complex Condition
(25 marks)
registered nurse in management
of this patient in the acute care
Each intervention is supported by
a concise but comprehensive
rationale that explicitly states
how it addresses all relevant
aspects the guiding principles and
current best practice.
21.5-25 marks
identify the role of the
registered nurse management
this patient in the acute care
Each intervention is supported
by a rationale which clearly
explain how it addresses the
guiding principles and current
best practice.
in management of this
patient in the acute
care setting.
Most interventions are
supported by a
rationale which clearly
explains how they
address the guiding
principles and current
best practice.
16.5-18.5 marks
the registered nurse
in the management of
this patient in the
acute care setting.
Some interventions
are supported by a
brief rationale that in
some way addresses
the guiding principles
or current best
12.5-16 marks
The nursing interventions
are unsafe/inappropriate
and/or not relevant to the
patient in the case study.
Most interventions lack
rationale, or the rationales
provided are superficial,
inaccurate or poorly
Analysis of
Opportunities for
Collaboration with
the Interdisciplinary
Team and
Co-ordination of
(25 marks)
There is a comprehensive,
accurate and integrated critical
analysis of 3 ways in which the
registered nurse can collaborate
with the interdisciplinary team to
co-ordinate the provision of
holistic and comprehensive care
to the patient and family in the
acute and/or discharge setting.
There are clear and supported
links to the patient in the case
21.5-25 marks
There is an accurate
explanation of the role of 3
ways in which the registered
nurse can collaborate with the
interdisciplinary team to
co-ordinate the provision of
holistic and comprehensive
care to the patient and family
in the acute and/or discharge
There are clear links to the
patient in the case study.
19-21 marks
There is identification
of 3 ways in which the
registered nurse can
collaborate with the
interdisciplinary team
to co-ordinate the
provision of care to
the patient.
Some tenuous links
have been made to the
patient in the case
16.5-18.5 marks
There is a basic
identification of 3
ways in which the
registered nurse can
collaborate with the
interdisciplinary team
to co-ordinate the
provision of care to
the patient.
No links to the
patient in the case
study are included.
12.5-16 marks
There is less than 3 ways
identified ways in which
the registered nurse can
collaborate with the
interdisciplinary team to
co-ordinate the provision of
acre to the patient.
Multiple incorrect and/or
have been made about
opportunities to collaborate
with the interdisciplinary
team and/or co-ordinate
No links to the patient have
been included.
0-12 marks
An extensive range of highly
A range of relevant
Information from the
minimum number of
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Criteria HD DI CR PS FL Mark
Uses Evidence to
Support Conclusion
and Nursing
(15 marks)
relevant sources have been
located, evaluated and
synthesised to substantially
support the discussion and
nursing interventions
13-15 marks
A range of relevant sources
have been located, evaluated
and synthesised to support the
discussion and nursing
11.5-12.5 marks
sources have been
located evaluated and
incorporated to mostly
support the discussion
and nursing
10-11 marks
required sources has
been located and
incorporated to
provide some support
for the discussion and
nursing interventions
7.5-9.5 marks
Less than the required
number of appropriate
sources have been used to
support the discussion and
nursing interventions.
0-7 marks
(10 marks)
The report is logically and
succinctly structured according to
academic writing conventions.
The content is presented in such a
manner that it creates a cohesive,
coherent and analytical report.
There is use of formal academic
language throughout, including
the accurate use of nursing
The content consistently adheres
to grammatical conventions.
There are no spelling mistakes or
errors in punctuation.
8.5-10 marks
The report is logically
structured according to
academic writing conventions.
The content is presented in
such a manner that it creates a
cohesive and coherent piece of
There is use of formal
language throughout, including
the accurate use of nursing
The content mainly adheres to
grammatical conventions.
There are only a few minor
spelling mistakes or errors in
7.5-8 marks
The report is generally
well structured
according to academic
writing conventions.
The content is
structured in such a
manner that it creates
a mostly logical and
coherent piece of
There is use of formal
language throughout,
including accurate use
of some nursing
The content generally
adheres to
conventions, with
some minor spelling
mistakes and errors in
6.5-7 marks
The report is partially
organised into
loosely linked and
basic paragraphs.
There is occasional
use of informal
language and the use
of nursing
terminology requires
The content mostly
adheres to
conventions, though
there are some
spelling mistakes and
errors in punctuation
5-6 marks
The report does not adhere
to academic writing
conventions and is
disjointed and/or poorly
There is frequent use of
informal language and/or
nursing technology is not
used or incorrectly applied.
There are multiple spelling
mistakes and errors in
0-4.5 marks
The majority of
Some sources have
not been explicitly
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Criteria HD DI CR PS FL Mark
(10 marks)
All sources are explicitly and
appropriately acknowledged
APA guidelines for in-text
referencing and the reference list
are consistently adhered to, with
no errors.
All sources cited-in text match
those cited in the reference list.
8.5-10 marks
All sources are explicitly and
appropriately acknowledged
APA guidelines for in-text
referencing and the reference
list are mostly adhered to, with
1 or 2 minor errors.
All sources cited-in text match
those cited in the reference list.
7.5-8 marks
sources used have
been explicitly
throughout the report.
APA guidelines for
in-text referencing and
the reference list are
mostly adhered to,
with some minor
All sources cited-in
text match those cited
in the reference list.
6.5-7 marks
and/or appropriately
There has been an
attempt made to
adhere to APA
guidelines for in-text
referencing and the
reference list, but
errors are evident.
There is 1 or two
between the sources
cited in-text and
those cited in the
reference list.
5-6 marks
Multiple sources have not
been acknowledged, or no
in-text referencing included
APA referencing guidelines
have not been adhered to
in-text or in the reference
There are multiple
inconsistencies between the
sources cited in-text and
those cited in the reference
0-4.5 mark
Mark: /100
Mark: /50
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Please ensure that your submitted report meets the presentation requirements below:
3 cm margins
Work must be double spaced
Font must be 12pt, unless otherwise indicated
Number all pages
Include your name and student number in the header or footer of every page
All assignments should include a title page which includes student name & number, subject code and
name, lecturer, assessment title, due date and date of submission.
In addition to the above marking criteria a Turnitin report must be submitted as an attachment to your
Case Study Report.
Criteria Pass Fail
Turnitin Report Provided and Satisfactory Not Provided or provided and
UnsatisfactoryCurrently 1 writers are viewing this order