How to propose planned organisational development?
4 Evaluation 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Overview of OD’s Structure and Expected Outcomes 4.3 Evaluation 4.3.1 Aims 4.3.2 Methods & Measures 4.3.3 Results 4.3.4 Dissemination Plan 4.4 Summary and Conclusion (2500 words) (Evaluation )This chapter should detail how you propose to evaluate the planned organisational development. The evaluation plan should be based on a comprehensive understanding of the planned organisational development’s structure and expected outcomes (knowledge of the healthcare evaluation literature will greatly assist with this). As you need to create evaluation questions and define measurable outcomes it is important that the evaluation is linked directly to the stated objectives in Chapter 1. Proposed outcomes may be divided into short-term and long-term outcomes, the latter referring to changes that might not occur until after the project’s completion, should it be implemented. Justification of your choice of evaluation plan should be based on a critical analysis of similar cases from the literature where such a development was implemented and evaluated. You should give a rationale why you have chosen each example from the literature. 5 Discussion & Conclusions 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Project Impact 5.2.1 Stakeholders 5.2.2 Practice 5.2.3 Theory 5.3 Strengths of the project 5.4 Limitations of the project 5.5 Recommendations 5.6 Learning about Organisational Development 5.7 Summary and Conclusion (3000 words) (Discussion & Conclusions)This chapter should critique the planning process that you have completed and identify the conclusions that you have drawn. Specifically, the chapter should address issues regarding your learning about planning for change at this level, how it has affected you and how, based upon critical assessment, it may impact upon your patients or clients. You should critically discuss how the change is likely to impact upon your organisation and the various stakeholders of the change process as well as contribute to practice and/or theory. Having undertaken the planning process, you should identify recommendations that would facilitate the success of the organizational development. 6 References 7 Appendices