A 67-year-old male diabetic with end-stage renal disease is receiving dialysis. The patient’s chief complaints included decreased balance, loss of sensation, fear of falling, and decreased endurance during activities of daily living due to the effects of dialysis treatment. Objective measures during evaluation validated these complaints. Physical therapy intervention was given to the patient. The patient’s goals were to improve strength, aerobic endurance, balance, and flexibility. Patient education was emphasized during each treatment session. The patient progressed through physical therapy as indicated in the plan of care, with improvements in deficits found during examination.

Discuss the following questions:

What type of dialysis is used for end stage renal disease and how can it help?
What are the ingredients in a dialysate solution? Define colloids and what part do they play in dialysis?
How does the process of dialysis work in chemical terms? Describe which molecules can or cannot pass through a dialysis membrane and how do these molecules diffuse.
Define buffer. What role does a buffer play in dialysis?
Why would patients that participate in the recommended physical therapy experience more positive outcomes? Tie this into the physical therapy program’s goals.