A full reference list is required at the end of the assignment. For further information on referencing at QUT refer to QUT Cite/Write via http://www.citewrite.qut.edu.au.

It is expected that students will familiarise themselves with the required essay format as outlined in the academic writing advice located at http://www.issupport.qut.edu.au/language/advice/academic.jsp This provides valuable information to assist you to write a high quality academic paper.
Additional notes
Please pick the two priority problems (assessment data that supports the problems a simple pathophysiology explanation and how it relates back to the problem.) (This will need to be referenced.)
Clearly state what the two interventions each for both problems. (4 in total)
Believe these to be the priority problems and interventions.
Priority problem 1- Chest pain preventing effective deep breathing coughing and effective airway clearance.
Intervention 1 Administer analgesia nurse initiated analgesia (paracetamol) (referenced) ( basic pathophysiology why it works)(referened).
Intervention 2- Nurse initiated Humidified saline nebs. (referenced) basic pathophysiology why it works)(referenced).
Priority problem 2 Oxygen saturations are 92% on Room air.
Intervention 1 Apply 0 Therapy 2 litres of oxygen via nasal prongs. (referenced) ( basic pathophysiology why it works) (Referenced).
Intervention 2 positional eg semi fowler (referenced) ( basic pathophysiology why it works) (referenced).
All related back to the scenario
Using current peered reviewed journal articles that are evidenced based and no older than 2007 to fulfil the following questions.
1. What is the current evidence saying what is the best practice in this intervention?
2. How is it intervention implemented?
3.What is the outcomes wanting to be achieved from this intervention?. ie how it address the problem/priority.
References from databases such as Cinahl Joanna Briggs Institue Crochrane Nanda. Can also use. Queensland Health Hospital Policy procedures and guidelines. Relevant to Nursing Queensland.
Keeping all resources relevant and link it to the scenario.
Matching the case scenario assessment data to priority problem. (only write about the existing data that is supplied.)
Please forward any questions for clarity
Criteria-referenced Assessment (CRA): Assessment 2 Student Name: Student Number:
Clinical Knowledge Skills & Decision Making
Pass Fail
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Demonstrates an understanding and application of nursing assessment and prioritisation of problems In your case study you have:
provided a comprehensive explanation of all the significant signs/symptoms which link to the identified priority problems
analysed comprehensively patient assessment data and applied clinical knowledge to synthesize/identify correctly 2 priority problems
applied clinical knowledge to synthesize comprehensive evaluation criteria to measure the success of all priority nursing interventions In your case study you have:
provided a comprehensive explanation of nearly all of the significant signs/symptoms which link to the identified priority problems
analysed patient assessment data and applied clinical knowledge to synthesize/identify correctly 2 priority problems
applied clinical knowledge to synthesize/ identify appropriate evaluation criteria to measure the success of all priority nursing interventions
one significant concept in was missing and/or not described in sufficient detail
In your case study you have:
provided a detailed explanation of some of the significant signs/symptoms which link to the identified priority problems
analysed most patient assessment data and applied some clinical knowledge to synthesize/identify correctly 2 priority problems but
applied clinical knowledge to synthesize/identifiy evaluation criteria to measure the success of all priority nursing interventions but
some significant concepts were missing and/or not described in sufficient detail
some significant evaluation data missing and/or not described in sufficient detail
In your case study you have:
provided an explanation of some of the significant signs/symptoms which link to the identified priority problems
analysed some patient assessment data and applied some clinical knowledge to synthesize/identify correctly 2 priority problems but
applied some clinical knowledge to synthesize/identify evaluation criteria to measure the success of all/two priority nursing intervention(s) with superficial and/or incorrect detail
quite a few concepts were missing and/or not described in sufficient detail In your case study you have:
attempted to provide an explanation of significant signs/ symptoms and to analyse patient data to identify 2 priority problems but:
there was little/no coverage of the essential pathophysiological concepts linking your identified problems to the patient data in your explanation and/or
one or more of the priority problems were incorrectly identified
evaluation data was inadequate/inappropriate/not present