A small group of individuals who are led in discussion by a professional consultant to gather opinions on, and responses to, candidates and issues is a ?

____ have overtaken _____ as the nation’s largest minority. A) African Americans; Hispanics

B) African Americans; Asians

C) Asians; Hispanics

D) Hispanics; African Americans

E) Hispanics; Asians

2. A small group of individuals who are led in discussion by a professional consultant to gather opinions on, and responses to, candidates and issues is a A) tracking poll.

B) quota poll.

C) focus group.

D) random sample.

E) push poll.

3. The Financial Stability Oversight Board is an example of an agency created to provide _____, in this case for the TARP program. A) agenda building

B) policy adoption

C) policy formulation

D) policy implementation

E) policy evaluation

4. Domestic policy A) is limited to policies that affect major economic variables.

B) can be defined as all policies that affect housing.

C) can be defined as all the laws, government planning, and government actions that concern internal issues of national importance.

D) is limited to matters relating to law enforcement.

E) relates to the activities of the government in its relations with foreign countries.

5. _____ is a subset of national security policy concerning the U.S. armed forces. A) Technical assistance

B) Economic Aid

C) Defense policy

D) Foreign policy process

E) Containment

6. The U.S. imports about _____ of the oil it consumes. A) one tenth

B) one third

C) one half

D) three fifths

E) three quarters

7. Campaigns, which used to center on political parties, now center on A) candidates

B) specific issues.

C) entertainment value.

D) regional preferences.

E) international approval.

8. The Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT I) was agreed to in 1972 in order to A) stabilize the nuclear arms competition between the United States and the Soviet Union.

B) contain expansive Russian tendencies.

C) create the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

D) normalize relations in the Middle East.

E) limit Communist power within its existing borders.

9. By _____, if not before, the economy of China is expected to be larger than that of the United States. A) 2010

B) 2020

C) 2030

D) 2040

E) 2050

10. Recent estimates have put the number of illegal immigrants living in the U.S. at about A) 2 million.

B) 6 million.

C) 12 million.

D) 18 million.

E) 22 million.

11. Foreign and domestic policy designed to protect the nation’s independence and political and economic integrity is A) foreign policy.

B) détente

C) national security policy.

D) political realism.

E) diplomacy

12. Foreign policy is A) a nation’s external goals and the techniques and strategies used to achieve them.

B) the formal agreements that are approved by the World Court.

C) interactions with other countries that are not related to economics.

D) the treaties that are ratified by the Senate.

E) the manner in which the armed forces are deployed.

13. In order to win in American politics today, candidates seek to capture A) only the votes of their party’s supporters, since the votes of independents are largely irrelevant.

B) all of the votes of their party’s supporters, as well as those of all of the independent voters and all of the voters from the other party.

C) a majority of their party’s supporters, some of the independent voters and a few votes from supporters of the other party.

D) some of their party’s supporters, most of the independent voters and a few votes from supporters of the other party.

E) all of the votes of their party’s supporters, a majority of the independent voters and a few votes from supporters of the other party.

14. Policy implementation is A) concerned with the carrying out of policies by bureaucrats, the courts, police, and individual citizens.

B) the process of getting the media aware of the issue.

C) the discussion of proposals by governmental officials and the public.

D) concerned with a specific strategy for the proposal.

E) when studies are conducted to see what happens after a policy is implemented.

15. A policy of abstaining from an active role in international affairs or alliances, which characterized U.S. foreign policy toward Europe during most of the 1800s, is A) containment policy.

B) détente.

C) internationalist foreign policy.

D) isolationist foreign policy.

E) Washingtonian foreign policy.

16. Fiscal policy is A) using changes in the amount of money in circulation to affect overall business activity.

B) using changes in the amount of taxes and government expenditures to affect business activity.

C) using changes in interest rates to affect business activity.

D) under the control of the Federal Reserve System.

E) an area that is controlled exclusively by the President of the United States, according to Article II of the Constitution.

17. Soft money A) refers to contributions made directly to candidates for political office.