After reading this brief article by Graeme Bayliss, the managing editor of the Walrus magazine, and after reading Dembo’s article, do you think the new legislation on assisted suicide in Canada should allowpatients with unbearable suffering due to a mental illnessto have access to assisted suicide? Why or why not?


After reading this brief article by Graeme Bayliss, the managing editor of the Walrus magazine, and after reading Dembo’s article, do you think the new legislation on assisted suicide in Canada should allowpatients with unbearable suffering due to a mental illnessto have access to assisted suicide? Why or why not?
You can read Bayliss’ article here: can also hear an interview with Bayliss on theCBC show TheCurrent here:
Dembo, Justine (2010). Addressing Treatment Futility and Assisted Suicide in Psychiatry. Journal of Ethics in Mental Health. 5(1). (available on e-reserve). You can also find this reading here:

Do not use other references,please!!!

Guidelines for writing essay:
1.Avoid overly generalized opening sentences that really say nothing and cannot be substantiated. Go directly to your response to the essay topic.
2.Be sure to read the essay topic very carefully. You may have written a fine essay, but if you haven’t actually addressed the essay topic, your mark will suffer.
3.Put clear limits on what you will discuss. Resist saying everything! These are short assignments in which you demonstrate your ability to understand and to think; they are not your life work.
4.Provide transitions between topics; your thoughts should have continuity; they should hang together.
5.Support or illustrate your assertions. If, for instance, you agree with an author’s point, do not simply announce your agreement, but make sure you go on to say why you agree or disagree.
6.Likewise, do not simply record your reactions (e.g., I found this subject interesting ) without saying more about your reactions (e.g., say why you found it interesting).
7.No bibliographic reference is needed for common knowledge (e.g., Canada is in North America) or for course material, but if you use course material, provide identifying information (e.g., a page number, a weblink, the minute number of a video, etc.) inthe text of your essay so I can follow up your reference if I need to.
8.If however you do use outside sources, provide full references for quoted material including page numbers. Choose a reference form (i.e., footnotes, endnotes, text notes) and use it consistently throughout. I don’t care which style you follow, just be consistent.
9.If the topic asks for your views, use the first person (e.g., I agree with so and so… ).
10.Avoid trying to get too many thoughts into one sentence. If your sentences are getting too long, see if you candivide them into two or three smaller ones.
11.Avoid using words like `he’, `him’, ‘man’, ‘mankind’, etc., to speak for all human experience.
12.Feel free to support your ideas with examples from your own experience, but use these examples only to illustrate, supportor challenge some point. In other words, do not simply recount some experience of yours for its own sake. I have no way of marking your experience.
13.Avoid arguments based on any religious or anti-religious assumptions and commitments you might have. It’s not that these commitments are unimportant; it’s just that this course is about an academic approach to grief, death and dying. I have no way of marking your religious views. As with any personal experiences, feel free to talk aboutyour personal religious views, but only for the purpose of making some larger point. In other words, do not preach or moralize from within any religious perspective.
14.Do not simply reiterate course material.
15.Proofreadyour work! If you do well in the above skills, but don’t have the writing skills to support your good thoughts, your mark will suffer.Currently 1 writers are viewing this order