An 18-month-old female client is admitted to the pediatric unit for an anaphylactic reaction. Emergency Room note March 30 @1100: An 18-month-old client was seen for an anaphylactic reaction to a bee sting on the left proximal forearm. The child was playing outside and received one sting at around 1000. The child has known anaphylaxis to peanuts, and when the child started having trouble breathing, parents report they administered the child’s epinephrine injection and called for emergency services. The child is crying, and facial edema is noted on the lips and tongue. No wheezing or stridor was noted. There was a 2 cm circular white patch with a small red dot surrounded by erythema and severe edema noted on the left forearm. Parents deny vomiting or diarrhea. Vital signs are stable at this time. Plan to admit to the pediatric unit for continued treatment. Allergies: – peanuts (anaphylaxis) – bee venom (anaphylaxis) Social history: The client lives with their parents and two older siblings in a smoke-free home. The child appears well-developed, and the relationship with the parents is appropriate. Home medications: -epinephrine injection as needed (PRN) for anaphylaxis Before obtaining vital signs, the nurse receives a phone call indicating an urgent need for another client.
Fill in each blank in the following sentence.
The nurse knows that the most appropriate action in this situation is to _______ in order to ______ .
Choices for 1st drag and drop target (cause)
delegate appropriate tasks to the UAP
tell the client’s parent to wait
call the provider
explain the situation to the parent and take the client’s vital signs quickly
Choice for 2nd drag and drop target (effect)
Obtain an prescription for pain medication
complete tasks in order
address both client needs
prioritize the urgent client’s needs