. An explanation of how an ethical theory and/or ethical principle might be applied to address the chosen topic.(The Topic :Voluntary/Assisted Euthanasia)

Order Description
This is a CLC assignment.
The CLC group selection process will be outlined by the instructor.
Refer to the Collaborative Learning Community: Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma resource for the dilemmas and resources that will be used for this multi-part assignment. In your CLC group select a scenario from those listed in the assignment resource.
As a group write a formal paper of 750-1000 words identifying important components of the topic. Include the following:
1. A description of the topic and related ethical implications: (a) obligations to your profession and work as a nurse (b) laws regarding this topic and (c) stakeholders in this scenario.
2. A summary of the impact on social values morals norms and nursing practice.
3. An explanation of how an ethical theory and/or ethical principle might be applied to address the chosen topic.(The Topic :Voluntary/Assisted Euthanasia)Just write the #3. That is what I need.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
NRS437V.CLCAnalysisofanEthical Dilemma_11-24-14.docx
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: Analysis of an Ethical Dilemma (Part One)
71.00% 2
Less Than Satisfactory
75.00% 3
79.00% 4
89.00% 5
75.0 %Content
20.0 % A Description of the Topic and Related Ethical Implications of Chosen Topic Does not identify contextual features related to topic. Does not distinguish among fact opinion and value judgments. Fails to identify implications and consequences of topic Incomplete discussion of issue. Superficial analysis of ethical implications. Limited consideration of preexisting assumptions. Limited discussion of relevant context and exploration of implications. Identifies influence of assumptions addressing ethical dimensions that underlie the issue. Relevant context and thorough discussion of issue. Analysis includes consideration of preexisting socially constructed assumptions. Identifies implications and consequences from a practice perspective. Analysis of issue is comprehensive. Explores confidentiality with global perspective identifying underlying relationships between stakeholders and among socially constructed systems.
20.0 % Provide Ethical Theories and/or Ethical Principles to Substantiate Your Position Does not identify ethical theory and/or principle from readings. Does not present own perspective. Discussion is grounded in absolutes with little or no acknowledgement of own bias. Applies ethical theory and/or principle to issue though some aspects are incorrect or confusing. Key details and connections between theory and application are missing. Presents own perspective without justification does not address other views. Applies ethical theory and/or principle with limited integration. Analysis is incomplete. Presents own perspective without justification. Integrates multiple viewpoints and comparisons of ideas or perspectives using ethical theory and/or principles as a framework. Identifies own position on issue but justification and connection to theory are incomplete. Appropriately identifies own position on issue drawing support from lecture content experience and information beyond assigned sources. Integrates ethical theory and/or principle to substantiate position.
20.0 % A Summary of the Impact on Social Values Morals Norms and Nursing Practice Inadequate summary of one or both of the impacts is present. Evidence is absent inappropriate and/or irrelevant. A basic summary of the impacts is presented without specific details direction or emphasis. Project presents weak marginal evidence and/or exhibit large gaps in the presentation of evidence resulting from inconsistent connections with the argument. The contributions the resources made to the project are broadly listed but not specifically or in detail. Evidence such as textual sources personal experience and observation is appropriate to the audience and rhetorical situation. The evidence fulfills the minimum in terms of quantity and quality that is acceptable to support the argument. The contributions the resources made to the project are outlined. A diversity of types of evidence is present. The evidence extends beyond what is needed to support the argument effectively. The contribution each resource made to the project is described in detail and depth. Presents a compelling argument for inclusion of the resource in the project. The type quantity and/or quality of evidence resonate with the claims argument and structure of the paper. Irrefutable evidence from theoretical academic and practical sources is convincingly presented.
15.0 % An Explanation of How an Ethical Theory and/or Ethical Principle Might Be Applied to Address the Chosen Topic An explanation of how an ethical theory and/or principle might be applied to address the chosen topic is not offered. An explanation of how an ethical theory and/or principle might be applied to address the chosen topic is incorrect. Key details and connections between theory and application are missing. An explanation of how an ethical theory and/or principle might be applied to address the chosen topic meets the basic requirements for the assignment. An explanation of how an ethical theory and/or principle might be applied to address the chosen topic is provided in a detailed manner while supported by rationale. An explanation of how an ethical theory and/or principle might be applied to address the chosen topic is provided in a detailed manner supported by rationale while predicting the future impact on the topic as a result of application of the ethical theory and / or principle.
15.0 %Organization and Effectiveness