Assessment task (s) Written assignments of 3000 (learning Outcomes 1 2 3) 100% weighting
Pass required 40%.Title Case Study where students will follow a patient through an
Investigation/clinical procedure from admission to discharge to the department/unit
Title Case Study where students will follow a patient through an
Investigation/clinical procedure from admission to discharge to the department/unit
Date of submission 05/01/2014
Place of submission Via Turnitin GradeMark deadline 14.00hrs (2pm)
Release of Marks 01/02/2014
Date of DAP 05/02/2014
Resubmission W/C 21/01/2014
All coursework assignments and other forms of assessment must be submitted by the published
deadline which is detailed above. It is your responsibility to know when work is due to be submitted
ignorance of the deadline date will not be accepted as a reason for late or non-submission.
Any late work (submitted via Turnitin GradeMark person or by post) will NOT be accepted and a mark of
zero will be awarded for the assessment task in question.
You are requested to keep a copy of your work.
In writing this assignment you should consider the following:
This study is an analysis of physiological data collection derived from patient observation/clinical
procedures explaining the treatments impact on the patients physiological parameters relating
this to the underlying theory and its relation to practice.
Choose a patient procedure etc. that interests you. Do not try to undertake the study of highly
complex areas or procedures. The aim of the case study is to demonstrate your understanding
knowledge and analytical abilities in relation to the area of anatomy and physiology within your
clinical practice. Keep this statement paramount within your memory whilst undertaking your
study and preparation of the assessments.
The case study would involve you initially identifying a patient who you will be involved with whilst
on duty; this may be for the whole or part of your shift. You will need to collect and collate data
which is relevant to your patient but which does not identify your patient in anyway or form. Such
identification would be a serious breach of confidentiality as would the identification of your
working environment or employer.
Collection of relevant bio-psychosocial data should be directly related to the discussions you
present with regards to the anatomical and physiological aspects of your case study. Data
collection will also involve areas of relevant treatment and care/investigation delivery which leads
to physiological changes or aiding a patient adapting in a physiological sense to the procedures
they are undergoing. For instance if a patient has a colloid infusion commenced one would
expect that you would provide an analysis as to why such a fluid is given the reasons for a
change in the patients blood pressure and what physiological effect this administration of such a
fluid would have on the patient. This is not a pharmacological study but some demonstration of 7
knowledge and analysis of drugs and how they were utilised would be required along with their
physiological effects.
All your discussions within your study must be referenced appropriately using a wide variety of
literature and sources to demonstrate you have read sufficiently around your subject matter. You
will need to demonstrate analysis of your chosen subject areas as required at level 2. Overuses
of quotes are best avoided since this does not necessarily demonstrate understanding but only
your ability to copy another authors work. Read understand and then incorporate into your work
appropriately. Sometimes it is necessary to quote since paraphrasing may lose the essence of
what the author was trying to convey.
Remember this is an Anatomy and Physiology module and as such should be the focus of you
case study.
In presenting your work for assessment you must be sure that you have addressed all of the learning
outcomes of the module. Your submission will be marked against these learning outcomes and the
assessment criteria. The assessment criteria are a measure of how well you have met the learning
outcomes at this level of academic study.
Guidance on maintaining confidentiality in submitted work is available in your Student Handbook and
you should read this guidance.
You are required to submit your final assignment via Turnitin GradeMark
For this module you are required to submit your summative assessment (for your written assignment) via
To check your draft (formative) assignment there will be a class section called Check Originality Report
(COR) set up in your Turnitin account. You will be able to submit to the Check Originality Report
section as many times as you wish and it will be available throughout your studies. This resource
is also a useful tool to share with your module leader or tutor. You can download your originality report
as a PDF file and email it to your tutor print the originality report and bring it to the tutorial or log into
Turnitin whilst in the tutorial to show and discuss your work.
Key text
Clancy J. and McVicar A. (2009) Physiology &
Anatomy: A Homeostatic Approach. 3
rd ed. London:
This book relates many of the concepts in
anatomy and physiology to homeostasis and is
highly recommended
Martini F. H. Nath J. L. and BartholomewE. F.
(2012) Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology 9
ed. London: Pearson Education
Marieb E. N. (2009) Essentials of Human Anatomy
and Physiology International edition 9th ed. London:
Pearson Benjamin Cummings
McCance K. L. and Heuther S. E. (2009)
Pathophysiology The biological basis for Disease in
Adults and Children 6
th ed. St Loius: Mosby Elsevier
This provides in-depth exploration of anatomy
and physiology and complements the lectures
well and is available in the library
This is highly recommended as a text and
informs the lectures with many of the slides
from lectures being gained from this book
This text provides excellent background
information with regards to many pathologies
and complements the normal anatomy and
physiology texts effectively
THIS IS AN EXAMPLE ESSAY GIVEN BY THE LECTURER AS TO HOW WE SHOULD TRY AND FOMURLATE OUR OWN ESSAY it will be fine if you can follow along the same principle xxxxxxxxx
In an ever changing environment the body is constantly adapting to maintain a relatively steady internal balance. This state of constancy is called homeostasis a process that begins at a cellular level and relies on the regularity of a water-based medium known as the internal environment (Waugh & Grant 2006). This environment continually alters and changes within very narrow limits to preserve a state of equilibrium in order to meet the functional needs of the body (Marieb 2008).
In this assignment the writer will examine the physiological processes in the maintenance of homoeostasis by following a chosen individual through their anaesthetic induction and operative procedure. The writer aims to demonstrate their understanding of patho- physiology by analysing the patients physiological changes to include patient observations through the interpretation of clinical data the role and function of the endocrine system the physiological stress response and the contributions made by other body systems to maintain homeostasis within the body. To respect and maintain confidentiality as specified by the Health Professions Council (2008) Standards of Proficiency 1a .3 the identity of the patient selected for this case study will remain anonymous and for this reason will be referred to as Mr X.
The patient chosen for this assignment is an otherwise healthy sixty eight year old male undergoing a carotid endarterectomy under general anaesthesia. This procedure is carried out to reduce the risk of strokes and involves the surgical removal of fatty deposits called plaque (such as cholesterol and calcium) which build up in the carotid artery. The condition is caused by a disease process called atherosc