
BCJ 2002 Unit VI

I have to respond to my classmates discussion board they wrote

Reoffending is always in the ball of the offender’s court. They are left with the decision making. There can be all kinds of access to multiple resources and programs but the choice to reoffend rests solely in the individual. So I don’t know how you can effectively measure recidivism. I guess we can start with following some of the programs that promote education and job placement and compare that to the people who recommit but even then a success story in those areas can quickly change for the worse based on bad decision making in a brief instance. Counseling could be way of offering an outlet for offenders in the hopes catching the few who may feel tempted to exercise bad choices. I think the best success has been with faith based initiates. Offenders who practice religion or who join a fellowship of like-minded followers tends to help them be accountable to themselves.

I have to answer this discussion board question Unit VII

Once upon a time, most people thought that once someone was locked up they no longer had any rights. What rights do prisoners have and should they have them? What does the US Constitution say about prisoner’s rights?

This is the essay part/ Unit VII Scholarly Activity


This unit discussed capital punishment along with relevant court cases. In this activity, you will discuss the Roper v. Simmons case. Resources are provided below.

During your weekly team meeting at work, your boss highlights the topic of capital punishment and specifically mentions the Roper v. Simmonscase. He feels that it is vital to your team to learn/refresh your knowledge about this case.

Each team has been assigned the task to present their findings on the case to the recently hired juvenile specialists.

Your paper should include the elements below:

  • Include a summary of the original case in Missouri. (This section should contain one to two paragraphs.)
  • Provide a summary of the findings of the court. How does this decision relate to the Eighth Amendment? (This section should contain one to two paragraphs.)
  • Summarize your opinion on whether capital punishment is cruel and unusual punishment for juveniles. Be sure to support your opinion.
  • Summarize your opinion on the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on the case. (For parts a-c, one to two paragraphs should be present.)
    • Do you agree with the ruling? Why, or why not?
    • Should there be any exceptions to the ruling (e.g., a 15-year-old with a record or a 14-year-old who commits multiple murders)? Why, or why not?
    • Can you provide an example of an individual under 18 years of age who (you think) should receive the death penalty? Why?
    • Do you think the Supreme Court will change the ruling on this in the future? Why, or why not? (For part d, one to two paragraphs should be present specifically for this option.)

For some assistance in your research, you may search the following organizations or sources for information involving this case:

Your paper should be a minimum of two pages in length. All resources used should be cited and referenced in APA format.