Before beginning political advocacy one must identify a problem that needs to be addressed through health care policy. Sometimes political advocacy is needed when established health care policies are not adequate for solving a problem or when the legislation creates new problems.

Before beginning political advocacy one must identify a problem that needs to be addressed through health care policy. Sometimes political advocacy is needed when established health care policies are not adequate for solving a problem or when the legislation creates new problems. This assignment is the first in a three-part project.
The purpose of this three-part project is to guide you through the process of selecting a problem identifying evidence-based solutions and designing a political advocacy plan to address the problem with those solutions.
In this first assignment you will select a consumer challenge related to equity access affordability and/or social justice in health care and you will analyze how existing policies address this challenge. Completion of this assignment will demonstrate your achievement of the following course outcome:
6. analyze the impact of sociocultural economic and environmental influences on health care policies to understand consumer challenges related to equity access affordability and social justice in health care
Assignment Guidelines
Part 2
Literature Review and Evidence-based Practice Recommendations
Assignment Information
In the first part of this project you identified a consumer challenge related to equity access affordability and/or social justice in health care and analyzed the impact of legislation on the problem. Now you will be searching the literature to identify potential solutions and ways of recommending them.
Searching for evidence is a critical step in evidence-based practice. You must perform this step to be prepared to offer evidence-based solutions. In this assignment you will conduct a literature review to find evidence-based approaches to address your identified issue.
Completion of this assignment will demonstrate your achievement of the following course outcomes:
4. analyze the impact of sociocultural economic and environmental influences on health care policies to understand consumer challenges related to equity access affordability and social justice in health care
5. evaluate the political advocacy process to identify opportunities for nursing professional involvement
Assignment Guidelines
Part 3
Advocacy plan/Presentation
Assignment Information
You have made it to the final part of the social justice project. In this part of the project you will present a plan to politically advocate on behalf of the population plagued with the health care problem you identified in part 1 of this project.You will be taking this opportunity to propose the evidence-based solutions that you identified in part two of the project.
Of the many possible ways to advocate you will choose those strategies that you feel are most appropriate and that will be most effective. This is the most exciting partvery similar to developing a plan of care once you have assessed your patient and decided on which evidence-based interventions to deliver!
Completion of this assignment will demonstrate your achievement of the following course outcomes:
5. evaluate the political advocacy process to identify opportunities for nursing professional involvement
6. delineate strategies that nurses can use to engage in advocacy for health care policy to support equity access affordability and social justice for consumers and in support of the nursing profession
Assignment Guidelines
Develop a PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes that includes the following:
Part 4
Letter to the Legislator
Assignment Information
This assignment provides you with the opportunity to use a specific political advocacy strategy: communication with a legislator via a letter. Expressing your support or lack of support for proposed legislation (bills) can be a powerful way to speak up about an issue. In this assignment you will identify a proposed bill and voice your support for or argument for not passing that particular bill.
Completion of this assignment will demonstrate your achievement of the following course outcomes:
describe the impact of health care policies on nursing practice and health care work environments to determine the financial and regulatory influences on patient care
evaluate the political advocacy process to identify opportunities for nursing professional involvement
delineate strategies that nurses can use to engage in advocacy for health care policy to support equity access affordability and social justice for consumers and in support of the nursing profession
Assignment Guidelines
Grading Criteria
Follow these guidelines in writing your letter.