Brief summary of the direction of the project to understand whether IV acetaminophen/ paracetamol ( brand name: Ofirmev is the most effective drug for postoperative pain management man and what type of surgical patients does Ofirmev benefit most.
Brief summary of the direction of the project to understand whether IV acetaminophen/ paracetamol ( brand name: Ofirmev is the most effective drug for postoperative pain management man and what type of surgical patients does Ofirmev benefit most. 2. Provide an overview to the content of the paper. 3. State the Purpose and problem of this project. Include why this beneficial to the facility. Summarize and revise 6 previous scholarly research articles and write 6 more scholarly research articles (7-10 article already written for you, but it missing the gaps,please go back and write the gaps for article 7-10 You only have to write 2 more research articles, article 11 and 12 ( It has to be research article written by scholar . Do not obtain the article from the websites because it is not accept by the instructor. This instructor is very strict and thorough. She will pull up the article to make sure and check the important information in the article are not left out and the result should reflect what it in the article. Therefore, please do not do shortcut styles with this paper.) For the 2 research article that you write please include the purpose of each article the question, methodology (how do they find out) and analysis and show the result (finding) and systematically analyze the two articles and evaluated relevance (how it is related to my study) and validity (how each article support my topic study) And please do not forget to mention the gaps in each article because if there are no gap there are no need to study.( total of 12 article 6 old one and 6 new article for this paper, but you will use my 4 already written B. Please include 2 nursing theories and explain how this two theorists appropriate and apply to your study or topic (Pain management postoperative) You can pick the pain gate control theory and Betty Neuman theory. Or choose the theory of your choice as long as support your study (spirituals and pain control). 5. The components of PICOT are population, intervention or issue, comparison of interest, outcome, and time. Be sure they are measurable (such as using pain scale to ask to patients ) Hints: Recovery room patients ( Population) , Receiving IV Tylenol ( Intervention) , Not receiving IV Tylenol ( comparative) result of decreasing pain ( Outcome). This is an example of PICO questions: P IC O: The population that usually gets sepsis is the elderly, but can happen at any age. In the elderly (population), what is the effect of early recognition and treatment with bolus IV fluids and IV antibiotics (intervention), in comparison to a delay in starting IV fluids and IV antibiotics (comparative), on survival rates (outcome) (Polit & Beck, 2012, pp. 36-38)? 6. A. State INTENDED POPULATION Hints: All postoperative patients in recovery room . B. SAMPLING STRATEGY Hints: (You need to explain what kind of tools you use for Your study, such as you use pain scales 1-10 ( one being the least pain and 10 being The worst pain patient ever felt) to question the patient. Is your study quantitative or Qualitative or both. C. Explain how your DATA WILL BE COLLECTED Hints: You can explain that you will interview the patients and if you are unable to Interview due to patients lethargic you can review the chart. D. Explain your POTENTIAL DATA ANALYSIS METHODS-include actual Statistical tests to be used. Hints: You should explain that you will you Appendix A such as Mean, Median , Mode and Standard deviation to do data analysis If mean is more than 3.5 your study . Is possible , if mean is less than 2 your study is ambiguous. You can rate the pain 6 hours , 12 after sugery and compare the mild, moderate, or Servere after patient receiving IV Tylenol your pain scale (1-4) mild pain, moderate Scale (5-7), severe pain ( 8-10) E. EXPLAIN MORAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO TREAT SUBJECTS IN FAIR ETHICAL MANNER, Hints: You should explain that you obtain the inform consent before surgery, before Patients receive any anesthesia. You also should explain the 4 ethical principles such As beneficence, nonmaleficence and confidentiality.