

Hope you are doing well! I need answers for below Discussion questions, Each Discussion should be 400 to 500 words(i.e each discussion minimum 400 words all should be 1200 words or more words) with APA format and must provide 3 peer reviewed references for each Discussion(i.e 9 or more peer references). and Discussion should be in good manner. write each discussion in different word document.

DISCUSSION QUESTION 6: Think of your favorite stores.

  • What do they do that encourages your loyalty?
  • What do you like about the in-store experience?
  • What further improvements could these stores make?

DISCUSSION QUESTION 7: Defend ONE of the following statements:

  • “All news is good news” and any buzz is helpful for a brand.
  • The content of buzz can make or break a brand.


  • How does cause or corporate societal marketing affect your personal consumer behavior?
  • Do you ever buy or not buy any products or services from a company because of its environmental policies or programs?
  • Why or why not?

Note: Please clearly avoid plagiarism. and Discussion 6 and, Discussion 7 and Discussion 8 should be write in different documents please.(i.e don’t write all discussions in 1 word document)