Case scenario

You are a nursing student on Workplace Learning at Sturt Hospital. Jamie is also a nursing student allocated to the same ward as you. Under the supervision of a registered nurse, you both have been asked to take over the care of a 30 year old male called John, admitted for treatment of his infected knee wound. Later that morning you and Jamie decide it would be important to keep a record of how John’s knee is healing by taking a photo of the wound. While you are at morning tea, Jamie takes out her mobile phone and asks John if she can take a picture of the wound, and he agrees. Later at morning tea, Jamie tells you that she uploaded the picture to her Instagram feed. You check Jamie’s feed and the picture is there with the caption, “This is the grossest thing I have ever seen” #csunursing #sturthospital #WPL, #poornursingcare #hotpatients.

You reflect on this situation and at lunchtime, you say to Jamie that what she has done to John is wrong. Jamie replies, “he doesn’t mind, he has seen it. Anyway, we are going out for a drink when he is discharged, he really liked the part about the hot patient”.



Question One (approx 600 )

Describe and provide examples of how Jamie’s actions have breached the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia’s (NMBA) Code of Conduct for Nurses (2018).


Question Two (approx 600)

Describe and provide examples of how Jamie’s actions have breached the International Council of Nurses (ICN) Code of Ethics for Nurses (2021).’




marking criteria 

You have evaluated how Jamie’s actions have breached at least four  relevant sections of the NMBA Code of conduct for Nurses (2018).


You have evaluated how Jamie’s actions have breached at least three relevant elements of the ICN Code of ethics for nurses (2021) 


In addition to the both the Codes, the assessment is also supported by at least eight (8) credible sources including peer reviewed journal articles, textbooks, and professional manuals and documents highly relevant to the topic.

Four (4) of these sources must be peer reviewed journal articles