United States Constitution

 Imagine it is 1787. Like many people living in the United States, you hold strong beliefs about the ratification of the proposed U.S. Constitution and have concerns about how this proposed government will affect your community. Being a civic-minded citizen, you...

home work

 House of Representatives. In her successful 1970 congressional campaign, Bella Abzug (b) declared, “This woman’s place is in the House… the House of Representatives!” Shirley Chisholm personally took up the mantle of women’s involvement in politics....

Racial Reconciliation

 OVERVIEW You will write an _____ assessing what racial reconciliation looks like as commanded by scripture and lived out in our world and your specific context today? Explain how this informs your view on missions, evangelism, and cross-cultural engagement?...

HIST 103 DB4

ANSWER ONE OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS IN AT LEAST 250 WORDS, GIVING A BRIEF, DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE TOPIC OF CHOICE, INCLUDE CITATIONS:Answer only ONE of the below questions: Discuss General George Washington (as commander of the Continental Army) Why was the...

Discussion 350 word minimum

PromptOne of the most interesting aspects of the Washington administration was the rivalry between Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson and Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton. Their rivalry had a profound impact on our political system in that it...