Assignment ContentApply what you’ve learned about the administration of justice through criminal courts and sentencing practices. Reflect on how the courtroom works and what challenges a professional might face when working with offenders and other...
Exam ContentOne of the best ways to understand the criminal justice process is to examine the work of individuals working in the criminal justice system.Consider the content discussed in Chapters 5–7 of Introduction to Criminal Justice.Research the role of...
The Jon Benet Ramsey case includes an extensive handwritten ransom note. Both parents were asked to submit handwriting example. Mrs. Ramsey's handwriting was similar to that of the ransom note. After researching the case, what are your...
Students are expected to identify a recent (within 5-7 years) peer-reviewed article that tests or expands a criminological theory we have recently discussed (e.g., Marxist criminology, conflict theory, left-realism, convict criminology, green criminology, feminist... the "Social Dilemma." Discuss the following:Short answers for all three questions.What was one thing that had an impact on you that you learned during this film?Do you feel social media has a responsibility for ethical...
Historically, how has society and the criminal justice system responded to sexual assault victims? Are there any changes occurring today compared to the past? What are those changes? Do you think those changes are for the better, worse, or make no difference? Explain...