Accounting Problem Quickbooks Software Solution Help

DescriptionKnowlegable in Quickbooks softwareI am using quickbooks for this problem. I am trying to make a journal entry, but when I try to save the entry I get a error msg stated that “You cannot use more than one A/R or A/P account in the same...

Groupon Business Strategy Management Paper

DescriptionProof read based on the comment and the requirement reading. Only do the section 1 & 2 in the requirement.The professor’s comment: You need to use data from various sources – including Groupon SEC filings – to substantiate your...

Theme of Grief in The War by Marguerite Duras Paper

DescriptionMarguerite DurasÂ’ The WarIn a 2-4 page paper analyze the theme of grief in Marguerite DurasÂ’ memoir. How does it manifest itself? How does grief shape the experiences of individuals? This should not be a summary of the novel, instead you are analyzing the...