Characteristics of study groups were analyzed using t-tests for continuous variables and chi square analysis for categorical variables.
Gina Wiedenhoeft RE: Week 5 DQ# 1 COLLAPSE Top of Form The study that Nursing and Health Essay Help
Gina Wiedenhoeft RE: Week 5 DQ# 1 COLLAPSE Top of Form The study that I used involved a CMEs and training for PCPs on low health literacy patients and the importance of cancer screenings, such as a colonoscopy or mammogram. Research Hypothesis: More training for PCPs improves their communication behaviors and increases cancer screening among patients with limited health literacy.
Independent Variable: Training Dependent Variable: Cancer Screenings The independent variable was considered an interval variable due to the importance of the difference between the amounts of training between each set. The dependent variable is also considered an interval variable due to the measurement of each patient and their testing. The major information discussed was that the amount of training completed by the PCPs did not necessarily influence the patients decision to complete their cancer screenings. There was also discussion of different variables that affected the dependent variable such as insurance issues. Characteristics of study groups were analyzed using t-tests for continuous variables and chi square analysis for categorical variables. A multi-linear regressionanalysiswas also used to examine whether observed associates between standardized patient ratings of communication behaviors and physician group assignments. I feel the study relates to health practices because prevention is extremely important. If patients are not properly educated by their PCPs, then their health can bejepordized. The same goes for the ways that physicians can educate their patients.
If they are not continuously learning and adapting, then they are doing a disservice to their patients. Price-Haywood, E. G., Harden-Barrios, J., & Cooper, L. A. (2014). Comparative Effectiveness of Audit-Feedback Versus Additional Physician Communication Training to Improve Cancer Screening for Patients with Limited Health Bottom of Form ****************************************************************************** Brandelyn Siwy RE: Week 5 DQ# 1 COLLAPSE Top of Form This quantitative research study looked at family centered music therapy and the effects it had on children with severe autism spectrum disorder. The skills of social engagement are difficult to teach, but family centered music therapy can help the child benefit in their relationships with their parents.
The research hypothesis: Family Centered Music Therapy will improve the social engagement abilities of children (30-60 months). The independent and dependent variables? Independent: Family Centered Music Therapy Dependent: Measurements of social engagement How were the independent and dependent variables measured? Nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio? Independent Variable: The independent variable is measured nominally because part of the group received 16 weeks of family centered music therapy along with their early intervention programs and the other half only received the early intervention program. Dependent Variable: The dependent variable is measured ordinally with parent-report assessments, interviews, and observations of the children. What were the major findings of the study? Family centered music therapy improves the social interaction skills these children have, but does not improve language skills or social reaction. How were the data analyzed? a) What statistical tests were used? b) Were the findings statistically significant? This test was a parallel randomized control test. The findings were based on 2 studies that investigated the effects of family centered music therapy. The semi-structured interview for the qualitative data portion asked parents questions pertaining to their own childs changes in interactions with them. How do these relate to health practice? This study relates to health practices because it is a way to treat children with autism spectrum disorder. Trying different types of therapies for these children can insure they have a fulfilled life. This study can conclude that family centered music therapy does help in the case of social interaction improvement for children with autism. Cite the source in APA format Thompson, G., McFarren, K., & Gold, C. (2013, October 20). Family Centered Music Therapy to Promote Social Engagement in Young Children with Severe Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Study. Retrieved August 02, 2016, from Bottom of Form