Clearly discuss how the creative work relates to the promotion of consumer recovery-focused mental health nursing care, supported with evidence from relevant literature


Assessment task 1: Consumer recovery-focused mental health nursing – A Creative work
Intent: This challenges students to develop their understanding of the model of care known as consumer
recovery-focused mental health and to think about, how as Registered Nurses, this model of care
could be applied to the real world of mental health consumers. It requires them to develop a creative
piece of work that demonstrates the promotion of consumer recovery-focused mental health nursing
that is supported by evidence from the literature related to this model of care.
Discussion and description of the creative work
You are required to discuss how the creative work relates to the promotion of consumer
recovery-focused mental health nursing care, supported by relevant literature.
Creative work
You are required to design a creative piece of work that demonstrates promotion of consumer
recovery-focused mental health nursing. The creative work could include any of the following:
a painting, a drawing, a poster, a written or spoken poem
and is deemed suitable for the purpose of the assessment.
Objective(s): This assessment task addresses subject learning objective(s):
Task: You are required to design a creative piece of work that demonstrates promotion of recovery-focused
mental health nursing and to discuss how the creative work relates to the promotion of recovery
using evidence from relevant literature . The creative piece could include any of the following:
a painting, a drawing, a poster, an audio-visual presentation, a written or spoken poem , or any other creative piece that the students have discussed
with their tutor prior to submission that is deemed suitable for the purpose of the assessment.
Length: Written Piece: 1000 words
Criteria: Assessment Criteria:
Discussion and description of the creative work
Introduces the topic, outlines the purpose of the assignment, defines consumer recovery-focused
mental health nursing care (5 marks)
Provides a clear description of the creative work (5 marks)
Provides a rationale that supports the selection of the creative work (5 marks)
Clearly discusses how the creative work relates to the promotion of consumer recovery-focused
mental health nursing care, supported with evidence from relevant literature (15 marks)
Concludes the discussion concisely; demonstrates correct use of the Harvard (UTS) reference
style, including in-text referencing and preparation of the reference list (5 marks).
Creative Work
The work is relevant to the promotion of recovery-focused mental health nursing care (10 marks)
The meaning and purpose of the work is clear (5 marks)
The work demonstrates a creative and original way of addressing consumer recovery-focused
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mental health nursing care (10 marks)
Assessment task 2: Reflection on Practice – The Letter. An Individual Written and Verbal
Intent: This provides the student with the opportunity to reflect on an issue or a range of issues related to
mental health and nursing and to present these in the form of a letter, to be read by the student in
class to fellow students and the lecturer.
Task: The Letter
For this piece of assessment, students are required to reflect on their practice in mental health,
compose and write a letter to that person or persons, outlining some aspect of care, an issue of
concern or recommended changes to mental health care.
You are required to write a letter to a person/s, whom you identify, in order to discuss some aspects
of your thoughts, opinions, concerns, ideas, passions and / or recommendations about Mental Health
– Mental Health Nursing and/or nursing in general. This needs to be based on your cumulative
experiences and reflections. It is not intended that the letter ever be sent .
About the letter
You need to choose and clearly identify to whom you are writing, and clearly state why.
You may choose to write to:
potential nursing students, or another university,
current students considering Mental Health as their Specialty Practice / Elective,
the Editor of the Lamp or the Nursing Review,
the Chief Nursing Officer for NSW or Australia,
the Minister for Health, Minister for Health and Ageing for NSW or Australia,
a consumer of services, a client/resident you cared for,
a family member / relative, for example your mother or father, siblings, children, or partner,
the web page editor, Faculty of Health,
an RN in another country who is contemplating coming to work in Australia,
or…… be creative.
About the presentation
Students are to display an overhead of their reference list so that peers can follow which
literature and resources were used to support the position taken and assess referencing style.
Time does not allow students to load individual PowerPoint computer presentations of the
reference list.
Marks will be deducted if the reference list is not displayed.
Length: Length: 750 words.
See also Further information.
Criteria: See UTSOnline for Marking Criteria Sheets and further details
Your letter needs to address the following areas:
demonstrates a clear understanding of the target person, his/her position, area of influence
and potential to make changes.
clearly outlines the purpose of / reason for the letter.
identifies and expresses relevant issues, concerns and problems.
focuses thoughts, ideas and challenges.
shows the ability to make your position clear and coherent.
provides appropriate literature and other support for your position.
Is focused on mental health care / nursing
the ability to provide directions, recommendations – and your hopes.