1. Complete the table below by describing three different approaches to/models of case management.
Model Definition
  1. Explain what is meant by evidence-based practice.
  1. List three 3 issues that clients, their family and carers could face when accessing multiple services. 
  1. Describe an impact of service duplication.
  1. Describe four key principles and practices that a case manager should consider when planning complex service inputs. 


  1. Describe four key principles and practices that a case manager should consider when working across multiple services.
  1. List three common funding arrangements that could be used to support clients with complex needs to access services.  Give a requirement of these funding arrangements that once accessed, a service would be expected to fulfill. 
  1. List three common indicators that can demonstrate that a person may commit self-harm.


  1. Explain a typical referral process when referring a client to a service.
  1. Describe the main components of a formal meeting process in case management.
  1. Describe each of the following terms indicated in the table and their relevance to complex case management. 
Relevant organisation and regulatory standards  
Statutory mandates  
  1. Complete the following table regarding risks and responsibilities relating to duty of care for vulnerable groups and high-risk situations, including children and young people, domestic violence, suicide, elder abuse.
Vulnerable group or situation Risks to the vulnerable group or risk of the situation occurring. Give at least three risks for each group/situation. List three responsibilities for a case manager relating to duty of care for vulnerable groups and high-risk situations

Children and young people



Domestic violence



Elder abuse


  1. Discuss the impacts of generational abuse and welfare dependency.
  1. Using the table below outline cultural considerations, history, and special needs that a complex case manager will need to be aware of in relation to CALD and ATSI populations. Give one example for each group of a protocol that must be followed in relation to that group. 
Client group Consideration for complex case management, including history and relevant special needs Protocols that must be followed; one example for each group
CALD people    
ATSI people     
  1. Explain each of the following terms and how they can impact on complex case management.
Family structure  
Family dynamics   
Communication within the family   
  1. List three relevant documentation protocols that a case manager should adhere to in relation to complex cases. 
  1. Describe one example of a professional boundary and a personal boundary that should be adhered to by a case manager coordinating a case for a client with complex needs.