Define the bioethical principles commonly utilised in healthcare and explain how they apply to the issues you have identified.


Case Study Emma/Steve
2. Assessment task 2
Assessment Title
Case Study Written Assignment
Task Description
Case Study
Emma is a registered nurse working on the surgical ward in a metropolitan hospital. She is caring for Steve, a 46 year old man who has
come from the operating theatre (OT) post knee replacement after long term complications and pain from an old football injury.
Emma undertakes an assessment on Steve upon his arrival to the ward. Steve is wearing Anti-Embolism Compression Stockings (TED
stockings) and tells Emma that he will not wear them anymore because they look silly and his friends are coming in to see him. Emma
says to Steve ‘You should keep the stockings on’, however he removes them.
The next day Emma comes in for day shift and is called to the Nurse Unit Manager’s (NUM) office. The NUM informs Emma that her patient
Steve developed shortness of breath in the night and was intubated and taken to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Steve was diagnosed
with a pulmonary embolism (PE). The NUM asks Emma why Steve was not wearing his TED stockings as the ICU specialist suggested this
increased Steve’s risk for developing the PE. The NUM also informs Emma that the ICU specialist feels that Steve is likely to have
significant damage to his lungs as a result of the PE.
When Emma gets home from work that afternoon she is upset and makes a post to her Facebook ©wall . Whilst Emma has not mentioned any
names in her post many of her Facebook© friends know where Emma works and are colleagues of hers.
1. What types of knowledge/ways of knowing should have informed Emma’s decisions and actions in this matter?
• Outline the fundamental patterns of knowing in nursing and explain how
EACH applies to the scenario.
2. What ethical issues can be raised as a result of this scenario?
• Define the bioethical principles commonly utilised in healthcare and explain how they apply to the issues you have identified.
3. If legal action is taken by Steve or his family is it likely that Emma will be found to be negligent?
• Consider the 4 actions that must be met to be considered negligent. 4. Is Emma’s post on Facebook© a breach of Steve’s Privacy?
• Consider legislation, hospital policy and the NMBA codes and guidelines in your response.
5. What should Emma have done differently in this scenario?
• Justify your response with reference to the NMBA codes and guidelines.
Emma Jones Can’t believe I got called into the office today
because my patient refused to wear his stockings & ended up
in ICU!!!
10 minutes ago · Like · Comment
Headings to be used: Introduction
1. Ways of Knowing 2. Ethical Issues
3. Negligence
4. Breach of Privacy 5. Recommendation Conclusion
For this assessment it is expected that you will support your assignment with reputable resources/references. This may include your
textbook, eReadings and other resources referred to in class. A minimum of 10 references is expected for this assessment task.
Please note the focus of this assessment is on the patterns of knowing, ethical, legal and professional issues surrounding this
scenario and NOT on the medical diagnosis of pulmonary embolism.
Assessment Due Date
Wednesday 6th May (Week 9)
Return Date to Students
Results will be released by 27th May
2000 words
Assessment Criteria
Your assignment will be evaluated on the following assessment criteria: Content – 60%
Style, Structure & Organisation – 20%
Research & Referencing – 20%
Referencing Style
Author – Date (Harvard)
A summary of the Harvard system can be accessed in the online guide on the Library website at:
?You will submit assessments via the Turnitin assessment drop box on the subject Moodle site. This will submit your assessment to
Turnitin and you will receive a report.
Following the receipt of your Turnitin report you may revise your assessment and then submit you final version together with the
Turnitin report through the final assessment drop box.
Name your file as follows “student email username_assignment number” (e.g. its999_ass3). Access the eLearning space, locate the
relevant drop box for the assignment,
click on , select your file, and click on .
Turnitin is Internet-based text-matching software which may be used for detecting plagiarism at UOW. Please see the short video in
Moodle which provides information about the concept of academic integrity plagiarism and the use of Turnitin in learning and writing
Subject Learning Outcomes Assessed
a) Consider the importance of types of knowledge and knowing in nursing
b) Outline the patterns of knowledge in nursing
c) Identify ways of raising ethical issues and how ethical principles can assist in decision making in health care
e) Demonstrate an understanding of the legal issues in the context of health care
f) Consider approaches to understand and resolve tensions and overlap between the legal and ethical issues in health care
??NMIH102: Patterns of Knowing in Nursing – Assessment 2: Marking Guide
?Student No ………………………….. Campus ……………………. Tutorial Group …………….
Content (60%)
1. Ways of Knowing
§? Detailed, logical explanation and application of each pattern of knowing to case study
2. Ethical Issues
§? Clear relation of the bioethical principles (autonomy, justice, non-maleficence & beneficence) to the case study
3. Negligence
§? Eachofthe4actionsofnegligenceoutlinedinrelationto the case study
4. Breach of Privacy
§? Clearargumentregardingbreechofprivacy
§? Supportsargumentwithreferencetocurrentlegislation
&/or common law principles & NMBA codes & guidelines
0 0
1-2 1-2
2.5 2.5
3-4 3-4
5 5
5. Problem Resolution
§? Clear,realisticwell-supportedopinionexpressedin relation to Emma’s choices
§? DecisionsjustifiedwithuseofNMBAcodes&guidelines
0 0
1-2 1-2
2.5 2.5
3-4 3-4
5 5
§? Introductionwell-structured,providescontextfortask §? Conclusionsummarisesmainideasandcontent
0 0
1-2 1-2
2.5 2.5
3-4 3-4
5 5
Style, Structure and Organisation (20%)
Adheres to School requirements for presentation:
§? Correct spelling; appropriate margins & page numbering;
acceptable font style & size
Communicates clearly, appropriate academic language: §? Generalisationsqualifiedwhenappropriate,no
abbreviations, contractions, colloquialisms used Punctuation:
§? Sentencestructureandpunctuationcorrect,accuracyof syntax and grammar
Organises assignment logically and coherently:
§? Appropriateuseofparagraphingtoadvanceargument,
logical flow of ideas
0 0
0 0
1-2 1-2
1-2 1-2
2.5 2.5
2.5 2.5
3-4 3-4
3-4 3-4
5 5
5 5
Research and Referencing (20%)
Demonstrates effective use of resource material:
§? Appropriate quality of material selected
§? Appropriate quantity of material selected
§? Accurate & smooth integration of material into answer §? Adheres to School requirements for referencing
0 0 0 0
1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2
2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4
5 5 5 5
Late Penalty (if applicable):
This assignment is worth 40% of the total assessment for this subject. Comments
Marker……………………………………………………………………………Date ………….
3. Assessment task 3
Assessment Title
Final Examination
Good Excellent
Task Description
The exam will consist of short and extended answer questions based on the content covered in tutorials, lectures and pre-readings
throughout the semester.
A pass rate of 50% in this exam must be achieved to pass/complete this subject.
Assessment Due Date
During examination period
Return Date to Students
Release of results is Tuesday 8th July
3 hours
Assessment Criteria
Referencing Style
Subject Learning Outcomes Assessed
a) Consider the importance of types of knowledge and knowing in nursing
b) Outline the patterns of knowledge in nursing
c) Identify ways of raising ethical issues and how ethical principles can assist in decision making in health care
d) Explain ‘duty of care’ in the context of nursing practice
e) Demonstrate an understanding of the legal issues in the context of health care
f) Consider approaches to understand and resolve tensions and overlap between the legal and ethical issues in health care