Demonstrate an applied level of understanding through personalized reflections about the content area.

Scholar/Evidence-based Practitioners

DNP Essential: 3
3: Clinical Scholarship and Analytical Methods for Evidence-Based Practice

(Scroll down for table)

5 points Acceptable
3 points Unacceptable
1 point Score/Level

Article Critique Evaluation

Part 1: Overview of the study

(5 points)

Program LO: 1

DNP Essential: 3 Exemplary quality.

Content is of a professional portfolio quality; addresses every major subsection in the assignment [fully developed overview of the selected research study] using advanced critical thinking

skills; does not summarize or paraphrase the content of the selected article, rather demonstrates content mastery using examples of and/or personalized reflections about the content of the

article; demonstrates an applied level of understanding through personalized reflections about the content area. Excels in meeting expectations for graduate level work.

Fully meets expectations for LO 1

Fully meets expectations for Essential 3 Well-developed good quality work.
Content is of a professional portfolio quality; addresses at least 80% of the major subsections in the assignment using adequate critical thinking skills; includes some summarizing or

paraphrasing of article; demonstration of content mastery using examples of and/or personalized reflections about the content of the selected research article; demonstration of an applied

level of understanding through personalized reflections about the content area. It fully meets expectations for graduate level work.

Meets expectations for LO 1

Meets expectations for Essential 3 Superficially developed, unacceptable quality.

Content needs substantial revision for it to be of a professional portfolio quality; addresses less than 50% of the major subsections in the assignment using weak critical thinking skills; consists

primarily of a summary of main ideas from the research article; does not demonstrate an applied level of understanding. Lags behind expectations for graduate level work.

Insufficient to meet expectations for LO 1

Insufficient to meet expectations for Essential 3
Part 2: Strengths of the research study

(5 points)

Program LO: 1

DNP Essential: 3 Exemplary quality.

Content is of a professional portfolio quality; addresses every major subsection in the assignment, clearly identifying two or three strengths with support that demonstrates advanced critical

thinking skills; does not summarize or paraphrase the content of the research article, rather demonstrates content mastery using examples of and/or personalized reflections about the

strengths of the research study; demonstrates an applied level of understanding through personalized reflections about the strengths of the research study. Excels in meeting expectations for

graduate level work.

Fully meets expectations for LO 1

Fully meets expectations for Essential 3 Well-developed good quality work.
Content is of a professional portfolio quality; addresses at least 80% of the major subsections in the assignment, clearly identifying two or three strengths of the research study, which are

supported using adequate critical thinking skills; includes some summarizing or paraphrasing of the research article; demonstration of content mastery using examples of and/or personalized

reflections about the strengths of the research study; demonstration of an applied level of understanding through personalized reflections about the strengths of the research study. It fully

meets expectations for graduate level work.

Meets expectations for LO 1

Meets expectations for Essential 3
Superficially developed, unacceptable quality.

Content needs substantial revision for it to be of a professional portfolio quality; addresses less than 50% of the major subsections in the assignment using weak critical thinking skills; consists

primarily of a summary of strengths of the research study; does not demonstrate an applied level of understanding. Lags behind expectations for graduate level work.

Insufficient to meet expectations for LO 1

Insufficient to meet expectations for Essential 3
Part 3: Weaknesses of the research study

(5 points)

Program LOs: 1

DNP Essential: 3 Exemplary quality.

Content is of a professional portfolio quality; addresses every major subsection in the assignment, clearly identifying two or three weaknesses with support that demonstrates advanced

critical thinking skills; does not summarize or paraphrase the content of the research study, rather demonstrates content mastery using examples of and/or personalized reflections about the

weaknesses of the research study; demonstrates an applied level of understanding through personalized reflections about the weaknesses of the research study. Excels in meeting expectations

for graduate level work.

Fully meets expectations for LO 1

Fully meets expectations for Essential 3 Well-developed good quality work.
Content is of a professional portfolio quality; addresses at least 80% of the major subsections in the assignment identifying two or three weaknesses with support demonstrating adequate

critical thinking skills; includes some summarizing or paraphrasing of research study; demonstration of content mastery using examples of and/or personalized reflections about the weaknesses

of the research study; demonstration of an applied level of understanding through personalized reflections about the weaknesses of the research study. It fully meets expectations for graduate