Describe how the theory is applied in education, practice, research and administration.Purpose: This paper will provide you the opportunity to explore a nursing theory, to demonstrate critical thinking, and to develop written communication skills.


Paper instructions:
II. Theory Critique and Application Paper
A. Purpose: This paper will provide you the opportunity to explore a nursing theory, to demonstrate critical thinking, and to develop written communication skills.
B. Content
1. Introduction
• Identify the theory
• Briefly state reasons for selecting the theory
• Provide an overview of the paper
2. Content
• Provide an overview of the paradigmatic origins of the theorist.
• Provide an overview of the education and experiential background of the theorist.
• Provide definitions of the concepts of the metaparadigm of nursing according to the theory.
• Describe other concepts of the theory.
• Describe relationships among concepts in the theory.
• Include assumptions .
• Include a diagram/model of the theory.
• Provide a critique of the theory using the model provided in Marriner-Tomey.
• Describe how the theory is applied in education, practice, research and administration.
• Describe specifically how to apply this theory in nursing practice in your APN role.
3. Summary: Review major points in the paper
. Other requirements
1. Use APA format
2. Include an abstract