- Violence in Media (films, TV, video games). For Example: Desensitization to violence leads to children who do not recognize acts of violence as a crime.
Thesis Statement Instruction for Problem/Solution
The previous instruction for the Argument Paper’s Thesis Statement showed that a Thesis has three parts: states the topic (What will be written about), the approach (How that topic will be treated), and the support (Order of how that topic will be covered). Together, the Thesis must state the WHO that allows the reader to understand the paper, before it truly begins with the body paragraphs.
The Thesis for a Problem/Solution paper is no different. The topic/What must be stated in the form of using the wording to define the problem. If your paper is about the problem of “tropical deforestation”, then those words must appear in the Thesis to state the topic/problem. The approach/How must be stated so that the topic is identified as being treated as a problem. If your paper is about “tropical deforestation”, then words similar to “is a problem” must be used to show how that topic will be treated. The support/Order must be stated in the form of the three solutions that will be proven and supported. While the problem must be proven to exist first, the real focus of a Problem/Solution Paper are the solutions, which is why “causes, effects, and statistics” are not listed in the Thesis as the means for proving the problem exists. The proof of the problem only exists in a Problem/Solution Paper to inform the reader. The real focus of the paper is the solutions, which is why they are listed in the Thesis.
As before with the Argument Paper Instruction, a shorter, more concise Thesis is better than one that is longer and overly wordy. The Thesis must be the sentence with the most clarity and straightforward wording in the paper so that the reader does not misinterpret what the paper will be doing.
Here is an example of an overly worded, unclear Thesis (74 words):
The over-harvesting of trees closest to the equator, between the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn, causes a problem that can be fixed if we educate the indigenous populations of the Tropics about the harm to nature of cutting down a tree, shift from the use of non-renewable resources to the use of recyclable plastic and metal for construction projects, and requiring that replacement vegetation to be planted for all plant life destroyed.
On that same topic and with the same solutions, here is a more concise Thesis (14 words):
Tropical deforestation is a problem that can be solved with education, recycling, and replanting.
One aspect of the solutions that most students have a problem with is that they attempt to explain the solutions in the Thesis. The Thesis is not for explaining the solutions. The last three body paragraphs are for explaining the solutions. One word was used to state each solution above. The reader does not have to know exactly what those solutions are when reading the Thesis. The reader must only know what those solutions are, and the order they will be presented in.
Problem/Solution Paper Writing Prompt & Instruction
Using one of the library databases, such as Academic Search Complete (within the EBSCOhost service), you will find at least six (6) articles that: share the same topic (which means that they are all about the same problem and/or the solutions to that same problem), are in PDF format (so that page numbers can be cited), and are of at least three (3) pages in length. The reason for requiring four articles is so that multiple sources, at least two, can be used to prove the problem exists in terms of the causes, the effects, and the size (statistics) of the problem, and also so that multiple sources, at least two, can be used to provide the solutions to that problem. At least two (2) sources must be used to Prove the Problem, and at least two (2) sources must be used to Present the Solutions. If four articles cannot be found in the library databases, you may use general websites, but only if you evaluate those sources for reputability and credibility.
In the Grading/Evaluation section of the Syllabus, this paper is described as A 7-10 page proof that a current problem exists and the presentation of solutions to fix it. The Title Page, Abstract Page, and References Page are included in this length requirement. The paper itself (excluding the Abstract) will include the following paragraphs:
- IntroductionBegins with an Attention-Getter, Continues with a General Introduction, and Ends with a Thesis Statement (which will require only one sentence for this paper).
- The CausesCauses come before effects, and causes come before the numbers/statistics that show the size of the problem, so this is why this paragraph is first of the body paragraphs. This paragraph begins with a Topic Sentence that states all of the causes that will be shown in the paragraph. Using short quotation, long quotation, paraphrase, and/or visuals, one or more sources will be used to prove what the causes of the problem are. This also means that, just like in the real world where there is more than one cause for something happening, at least three (3) causes must be proven to exist. The reason for proving the causes is so that if a solution prevents a cause, then it may prevent the problem from occurring. Each cause must be explained to show how it leads to the problem. The paragraph ends with a Transition Sentence that leads into the effects of the problem. Do not use “I” in this paper or any of your own experiences as the means for discussing the causes of the problem. This paper should be written from an unbiased, neutral point-of-view.
- The EffectsThis paragraph begins with a Topic Sentence that states all of the effects that will be shown in the paragraph. Using short quotation, long quotation, paraphrase, and/or visuals, one or more sources will be used to prove what the effects of the problem are. This also means that, just like in the real world where there is more than one effect from something happening, at least three (3) effects must be proven to exist. The reason for proving the effects is so that is a solution prevents one or more effects completely, then it may decrease the severity of the problem. Each effect must be explained to show how the problem created it. The paragraph ends with a Transition Sentence that leads into the statistics of the problem. Do not use “I” in this paper or any of your own experiences as the means for discussing the effects of the problem. This paper should be written from an unbiased, neutral point-of-view.
- The StatisticsHow big is the problem? The numbers will tell us. This paragraph begins with a Topic Sentence that states how numbers can help us understand how large a problem is. Using short quotation, long quotation, paraphrase, and/or visuals, one or more sources will be used to prove the size of the problem. The statistics related to both the causes and the effects of the problem should be identified. The reason for proving the size of the problem is so that the reader can understand the importance and scope of this problem on a state, national, or global scale. Most people are not aware of how significant a problem is unless it affects them personally. Make the reader aware of the scope of the problem. This paragraph ends with the most important Transition Sentence in the paper, and this is because it must clearly indicate that the problem has been proven and that the solutions will now be given. Do not use “I” in this paper or any of your own experiences as the means for discussing the size of the problem. This paper should be written from an unbiased, neutral point-of-view.
- 1st SolutionThis paragraph will introduce the solution listed first in the Thesis. This paragraph begins with a Topic Sentence that restates the first solution from the Thesis. The paragraph continues with the use of a source (paraphrased, short quote, or long quote) that identifies and proves this solution exists. The last half of the paragraph is reserved for supporting this solution, which is where the student will use logic, reason, and common sense (not another source) to show why this solution can work. DO NOT use a solution that you do not believe will work. The paragraph ends with a Transition Sentence that leads into the next solution. Do not use “I” in this paper or any of your own experiences as the means for supporting this solution to the problem. This paper should be written from an unbiased, neutral point-of-view.
- 2nd SolutionThis paragraph will introduce the solution listed second in the Thesis. This paragraph begins with a Topic Sentence that restates the second solution from the Thesis. The paragraph continues with the use of a source (paraphrased, short quote, or long quote) that identifies and proves this solution exists. The last half of the paragraph is reserved for supporting this solution, which is where the student will use logic, reason, and common sense (not another source) to show why this solution can work. DO NOT use a solution that you do not believe will work. The paragraph ends with a Transition Sentence that leads into the next solution. Do not use “I” in this paper or any of your own experiences as the means for supporting this solution to the problem. This paper should be written from an unbiased, neutral point-of-view.
- 3rd SolutionThis paragraph will introduce the solution listed third in the Thesis. This paragraph begins with a Topic Sentence that restates the third solution from the Thesis. The paragraph continues with the use of a source (paraphrased, short quote, or long quote) that identifies and proves this solution exists. The last half of the paragraph is reserved for supporting this solution, which is where the student will use logic, reason, and common sense (not another source) to show why this solution can work. DO NOT use a solution that you do not believe will work. The paragraph ends with a Transition Sentence that leads into the conclusion. Do not use “I” in this paper or any of your own experiences as the means for supporting this solution to the problem. This paper should be written from an unbiased, neutral point-of-view.
- ConclusionThink of a Conclusion as the Introduction in reverse. The Conclusion begins with the Restatement of the Thesis (this does not mean to copy and paste it from the Introduction), continues with a summary of the problem and the solutions (which must include a statement about which solution, or which combination of solutions, must be used), and ends by referring back to the Attention-Getter.
The problem must be proven to exist first. This paper must be written just as problems and solutions occur in the real world. First the problem occurs, then people think of solutions.
Each solution must be supported using logic, reason, and common sense. Anyone can find source information that basically supports the solution that has already been stated, but just because two sources say the same thing does not mean that either is correct. Using logic, reason, and common sense to show that a solution can work definitively proves that it is a possibility.
Equal amounts of sources and source information should be used to prove the problem and present the solutions. If you rely on only one source to prove the problem exists, what happens if that source has made an error? What happens if that source is discredited? Then the causes, effects, or statistics may all be incorrect, which means that the problem is not actually as you have proven it to be. Relying or more than one source to prove the problem exists decreases the likelihood of this occurring. Conversely, more than one source is needed to present the solutions to decrease the likelihood of those solutions being discredited.
Puff Your Life Away:
Smoking and Its Effects are a Problem
Janice Ann Goodrysk
Eastern Kentucky University
Cigarette smoking is a worldwide problem; one that can only be solved by public education, government intervention, and individualized treatment plans. This problem begins because people start smoking, which is generally because their parents or friends smoke. It leads to various and harmful health effects, including cancer and death. These effects loom over the nearly one billion smokers on the planet. Preventing the act of smoking can be done through education, so that people are aware of the realities of smoking. If that does not work, then the government can intervene with taxation of tobacco products. And then, finally, treatment plans can help each individual quit smoking. In the end, though, all three solutions are needed to address both the causes of smoking and the effects on those who choose to smoke.[MG1]
Keywords: cigarette, smoking, cancer, death
Puff Your Life Away:
Smoking and Its Effects are a Problem
Can you hand me my cigs? Jane asked as she buckled herself into the car. Theyre in the glove box, I dont want my parents to see them. Annie frowned, then opened the glove box and pulled out the bright green pack. You can have one if you want. Im trying to lose weight and they keep me from eating. Annie watched as Jane lit up. A little puff of smoke curled around her head and crept out the window as they began to drive. She bit her lip. I guess just one wouldnt hurt. As Annie lit her first cigarette in the car with Jane that day, the Devil in the darkness began to laugh. [MG2] Cigarette smoking was once considered socially acceptable, even attractive. Thankfully, times have changed and we have finally begun to see the full impact these mini, chemical cocktails have on the health of individuals and everyone around them. When someone lights a cigarette there are no blaring alarms, no laws being broken. The true destruction of self and community occurs quietly, one puff at a time.[MG3] Cigarette smoking is a worldwide problem; one that can only be solved by public education, government intervention,
and individualized treatment plans.[MG4]
The Nature of the Problem[MG5]
People generally start smoking for one of two reasons: their parents smoked, or their friends do it. Despite the recent uptick in anti-smoking campaigns and the warnings printed on all cigarette packs, there are still people who do not understand smoking is deadly, particularly children who may be exposed to cigarettes first by their parents. Hrubá and aloudíková (2008) wrote in their journal article, Where do our Children Learn to Smoke? that, Smoking of parents and other relatives led to a substantial increase in the number of children who were determined to smoke in the future or were considering it (para. 3). Children see their parents smoke and then decide it is okay long before they understand how much cigarettes will hurt them.This early exposure to cigarettes is so influential that it even makes subsequent anti-smoking education less effective (Hrubá & aloudíková, para. 4). As if the lack of knowledge and misconceptions about smoking werent bad enough, the final nail in the coffin that causes people to light up is the simple fact that their friends do. In the article, Smoking Behaviours of Adolescents, Influenced by Smoking of Teachers, Family and Friends the author Huang (2014) concluded that, Friends’ smoking was strongly associated with being a smoker (p. 220). [MG7] Birds of a feather light up together. The research is clear; the more friends you have that smoke, the more likely you are to start smoking. For many, there is a point where the peer pressure outweighs education or common sense and people smoke despite the overwhelming evidence that it is a deadly choice. Many people begin smoking for many reasons, but what happens to them once they have begun is known to be harmful.
The effects of smoking include lung and liver cancer, heart disease, and stroke for both smokers and those around them. The 2014 Surgeon Generals Report on Smoking (2015) gives [MG8] this information:
Smoking was associated with higher than normal all-cause mortality rates among men, was a cause of lung cancer and laryngeal cancer in men, was a probable cause of lung cancer in women, and was the most important cause of bronchitis[MG9] .(p. 3)
All it takes to tip the scales and risk getting lung cancer is to smoke. Lung cancer is not the only type of cancer smokers are at risk for either. Various types of cancer aside, smoking also causes heart disease, even among otherwise healthy young people. In their paper, The Risk and Burden of Smoking Related Heart Disease Mortality among Young People in the United States researchers Kahn et al. (2015) found that, cigarette smoking remains the most common risk factor for heart disease among the young (para. 1). Just because youre young and strong doesnt mean that you are immune to the effects of smoking cigarettes. Finally, smoking is second only to hypertension as the biggest risk factor for a stroke in individuals who have never had a stroke before (Duricic et al[MG10] ., 2015, para. 1). [MG11] Even if you think you have no other risk factors for having a stroke, smoking itself is enough to put you at risk. The most threatening and insidious thing about cigarettes is that you dont even have to be the one smoking for them to hurt you. Just being around someone who smokes can kill you or at the very least make you sick. Even then, accurate statistics do not reflect the number of people that smoking affects.
Statistics- use graphs or diagrams in paper
Current statistics reveal that cigarette smoking is a two-pronged global issue: both the number of active smokers in the world and the mortality rate associated with smoking must be examined. There are more than a billion active smokers worldwide, with the greatest percentage of them residing in China and Russia (Esterl, 2014, para. 1). China and Russia may have the largest percentages of smokers, but the problem isnt localized there. In the United States alone, an estimated 40 million people smoke (Esterl, 2014, para. 1). The number of people who smoke is only one part of the puzzle. Of the 40 million Americans who smoke, Figure 1 (top of the next page) reveals the results.[MG12] On a global scale, however, Golechha (2016) wrote in the article, Health Promotion Methods for Smoking Prevention and Cessation: A Comprehensive Review of Effectiveness and the Way Forward that, Tobacco smoking is one of the greatest causes of mortality in the world, responsible for over 5 million deaths per annum (p. 30). To put that in perspective (and if you do the math), that is one death every 6.3 seconds throughout [MG13]
Figure 1. The numbers on the left are in thousands. If deaths related to AIDS, Alcohol, Motor vehicle accidents, homicide, drug-related, and suicide are added together, they still total less than half of the roughly 430,000 people who die each year in the U.S. from smoking.
the year[MG14] .It is clear that solutions are needed in order to both eliminate the varied causes of smoking as well as the devastating effects experienced by smokers and all those around them.
How Do We Solve This Problem?
Public education is an integral part of the efforts to both prevent the initiation of smoking use and encourage smoking cessation. Increased health promotion efforts about the detrimental health effects from smoking use may result in higher levels of knowledge about the harms of smoking and this in turn could increase quit intentions and subsequent quitting among users.(p. 31)
If people do not understand what the negative effects of smoking are, they will not be well motivated to quit. Cigarettes are addictive and in the absence of logic or education that proves they are deadly people will continue to light up to feed their nicotine addiction. Likewise, the more they understand about how dangerous smoking is, the more motivated they will be to quit or avoid picking up the habit entirely. Knowledge is power and this knowledge will save lives. In some cases simply being educated about the perils of smoking may not be enough of a deterrent. In this case, intervention should occur at the government level.[MG15]
Government intervention in the form of cigarette taxes and outright bans on cigarette smoking in public places will be required in order to deter people from smoking. In their article Independent and Interactive Effects of Smoking Bans and Tobacco Taxes on a Cohort of US Young Adults researchers Vuolo, Kelly, and Kadowaki [MG16] (2016) wrote that Social smoking among young adults is primarily inhibited by smoking bans, but excise taxes only deter such smoking in the absence of a ban. Heavy smokers are primarily deterred by taxes (para. 1). Both the taxes and the public smoking bans are necessary to deter different portions of the population. Light or social smokers are easily diverted away from smoking when it is not allowed in their favorite bars or clubs. Heavy smokers, on the other hand, simply wont visit those venues where smoking is not allowed. In this case, taxes can be imposed to increase the price of each pack of cigarettes enough to act as a deterrent and encourage them to quit. In some cases, however, even placing an exorbitant price on cigarettes may not be enough to discourage the most hard-core smokers to kick the habit. In this case, individualized treatment plans are needed to ensure the success of those who are unable to help themselves.
Treatment Plans
Individualized treatment plans are a necessity in order to help smokers overcome their addiction. Researcher Sweeney (2001) wrote in the article, Combination Nicotine Replacement Therapy for Smoking Cessation: Rationale, Efficacy and Tolerability that:
nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) medications provide effective treatment for tobacco dependence, typically doubling success rates compared with placebo. A strategy for further improving the efficacy of NRT is to combine one medication that allow for passive nicotine delivery (e.g. transdermal patch) with another medication that permits ad libitum nicotine delivery (e.g. gum, nasal spray, inhaler). (p. 454)
There are a variety of treatment methods available to aid in smoking cessation. Available options include everything from a cold turkey approach to gum, patches, nasal spray, behavior modification, hypnosis, acupuncture and even pharmaceuticals. All of these methods have been proven to be effective treatment plans for some, but not all smokers. Instead, the answer lies in creating an individualized treatment plan that can encompass one or more of these option as needed. Based on the existing research it is easy to understand what causes people to smoke, what the effects are and which solutions are needed to solve the problem.
Clearly, cigarette smoking is a global problem requiring a three-pronged solution: public education, government intervention and individualized treatment plans. [MG17] All three solutions are needed to address both the causes of smoking and the effects on those who choose to smoke[MG18] . The varied reasons people smoke (lack of education about the effects of smoking, misconceptions like weight loss and relaxation, and societal influence in the form of peer pressure) must be addressed by public education and on a doctor-patient level. [MG19] The effects of smoking can best be mitigated by government intervention including taxes and bans along with free individualized treatment plants to help current smokers understand what their options to quit are and to help them select the option that works best for them. [MG20] The next time you see two kids smoking together like Annie and Jane; dont just turn up your nose or frown in disapproval. Take a second to think about the factors that led to their smoking; or better yet stop and educate them a bit about the choice they are making and the options they have to quit. Dont let the Devil in the darkness win. [MG21]
2014 Surgeon General’s report on smoking. (2015). Congressional Digest, 94(4), 3-32.
Duricic, S., Rabi, T., & Zikic, M. (2015). Risk factors of the first stroke. Medical Review, 68(1/2), 17-21. doi:68.1/2.2015
Esterl, M. (2014, July 16). America’s smokers: Still 40 million strong. Wall Street Journal – Eastern Edition, pp. B1, B6.
Golechha, M. (2016). Health promotion methods for smoking prevention and cessation: A
comprehensive review of effectiveness and the way forward. International Journal of Preventive Medicine, 42(6), 29-34. Retrieved from
Hrubá, D., & aloudíková, I. (2008). Where do our children learn to smoke? Central
European Journal of Public Health, 16(4), 178-181. doi:2008.16.4.178-181
Huang, H. W. (2014). Smoking behaviours of adolescents, influenced by smoking of teachers,
family and friends. International Nursing Review, 61(2), 220-227. Retrieved from
Sweeney, C.T. (2001). Combination nicotine replacement therapy for smoking cessation:
Rationale, efficacy and tolerability. CNS Drugs, 15(6), 453-467. doi:cns.2001.15.6
Vuolo, M., Kelly, B. C., & Kadowaki, J. (2016). Independent and interactive effects of
smoking bans and tobacco taxes on a cohort of US young adults. American Journal of Public Health, 106(2), 374-380. Retrieved from[MG22]
Check Sheet: To be used to check your own progress for what is required for this paper. There
are 20 items here. Please read and check these items before you submit the 1st Draft.
_____ Is the paper in APA format?
_____Is the problem/topic from the pre-approved list?
_____ Does the Abstract summarize the paper in 100-150 words, and is it comprised of sentences taken from the paper itself?
_____ Does the Introduction have an Attention-Getter (Hook), General Introduction, and Thesis Statement?
_____ Does the Thesis Statement state what the Topic, Approach, and Claims (solutions) will be for the paper?
_____ Are Headings and Subheadings used to help the reader understand the papers organization?
_____ Does each Body Paragraph begin with a Topic Sentence and ends with a Transition Sentence, such that no paragraph ends with a parenthetical citation?
_____ Has the problem been proven to exist in the first three body paragraphs using Causes, Effects, and Statistics that come from sources?
_____Does the last body paragraph that proves the problem exists end with a Transition Sentence that not only refers to solutions coming next but also refers to the problem having been proven to exist?
_____ Are there at least three solutions, and is each presented in its own paragraph?
_____ Has reason, logic, and common sense been used to support each solution?
_____ Has each sentence that contains source information, whether quoted or paraphrased, been parenthetically cited?
_____ Is at least three (3) methods of sources used, which includes short quotation, long quotation, paraphrase, and visuals?
_____ Are quotations, whether short or long (40 words or more), been presented correctly?
_____ Has each method of source usage involved the proper Introduction, Quotation (Short or Long) or Paraphrase or Summary, Citation, and Explanation?
_____ Does the Conclusion restate and qualify the thesis statement, briefly summarize the causes and effects, states the solution (or combination thereof) that works best, and refers back to the attention-getter from the introduction?
_____ Are there at least eight paragraphs? These are the Introduction, three Body Paragraphs proving the problem exists, at least three solution paragraphs, and a Conclusion.
_____ Are there at least four (4) sources, which can be comprised of articles from a library research database or from the general Internet?
_____ Is the References page formatted correctly, which is not just about the citation formats?
_____ Lastly, does it appear that the student has proofread and edited the paper?
SHORT QUOTE EXAMPLES (39 words or less):
- Source with one or two authors (give all authors last names)
- Source with three to five authors (give all authors last name when source is first used)
- Source with one or two authors (give all authors last names)
- Source with three to five authors (give all authors last name when source is first used)
Jackson and Watson (2010), in the article “Waiting to Inhale”, explain the preemptive strategy used by the Bush Administration, stating that The United States claimed the right to use force to oust leaders it disliked long before they could threaten its security (p. 19).Undesired leaders were removed to prevent possible attack.