Discuss what shaped these two groups of people dream. For example Bedwen are those who more in the belive of others are connected to god tratidions and culture. They relate most of their dreams to islam and the point of view of islam is important to them. ( give an example)_
Different Interpretation of dreams between different Qatari groups of different heritage
People dream differently and each group of people have different intreptutions for their dream. Give example: such us egyption people related their dreams to god and it might be a message from god and god wants them to change something in their life other group of people “bring another examplel” intrupt the dreams from other perspective and might relate it to their daily life. Different interpution of dreams is based in different factors and shaped by culture tradition and religion etc. in this research paper I am interesting in studying different intrpution of dreams in people that live in my country Qatar and specially because my country is devided to two subgroups of people Bedwen and modern or who’s who live in developmental regions.. in this paper I will be intreasted also in interviewing different group of people from Bedwen and modern in a young age to compare their interpution of dreams and how oftern they care about what their dream is meaning to that old people.
– discuss what shaped these two groups of people dream. For example Bedwen are those who more in the belive of others are connected to god tratidions and culture. They relate most of their dreams to islam and the point of view of islam is important to them. ( give an example)_
– for Bedwen, there strong relation with religion let them think about whatever in their dream from that aspect. Also, there is two type of dream that those group of people always think about. One of dreams that they wait for is when they are stuck or in a hard situation and what the help of god or a messege from god to get them out of what is happieng for them. Andwhen they get that dream their interpution is all about how this situation is going to be solved. The other dream is what is called by “vision”. They dream about something and then it happens after a couple of days
– in contrast modern people, are those who are still muslims and they have faith in god but they don’t relate everything or what happens in their dream directyly to god. They are aloso living the modern life and can relate what happens in their dreams to spesific actions or daily life situation that they think about and this is normal and is defined by psychological aspect.
– Also, customs and culture play a main role in shaping both of these groups of different people in the world way of interputing their dreams. ( cultural aspect)
Results :
an interview was done to a group of people that could be divided into a group of mature adults and youngsters. The mature adults’ age raged between 35 and 45, while the youngsters’ ages raged between 15 and 20. Furthermore, the each group could be divided into “Hathar”, modern people, and bedwens. Each group was asked about their interest in interpreting their dreams and there means of doing so. We found out that the bedwens always pursued the interpretation of their dreams, and it always was interpreted a religious and cultural fashion. However, the modern people weren’t always interested in finding the meaning of their dreams and if they did it would be by using the Internet and psychology books and not the religious meanings. While, the new generation in both the modern and the bedwen groups were not interested in interpreting their dreams because they don’t take each dream seriously. And if the did they would use modern resources to find out their meanings.
Talk about what shapes our attitude toward interpreting our dreams.