Discussion #4 -
Based on what you have learned in this course, how would you consider a few of the standard dimensions of analyzing social movements such as leadership, ideology, strategy & tactics, and social base in the evaluation of the success of a long-standing cause (ex. environmental movement) and newer movements (ex. Save the Dolphins). Compare/contrast 2 social movements of your choice. They may or may not be the same type (environment). They can be any two – one long standing, one new.
Save the Environment – In 1962, one woman, Rachel Carson wrote a book that sparked a movement that changed the world. Silent Spring was the catalyst for today's environmental movement.
http://www.rachelcarson.org/SilentSpring.aspx (Links to an external site.)
Save the Dolphins – In 2009, The Cove won the Oscar for best documentary. Ric O’Barry’s leadership for this new social movement ultimately changed the Sea World program and many others.
http://www.facebook.com/TheCove?v=app_4949752878#!/TheCove?v=wall (Links to an external site.)http://thecovemovie.com (Links to an external site.)http://TakePart.com/thecove (Links to an external site.)http://savejapandolphins.org/