In a field study or an in-the-wild study, how could designers ensure they acquire accurate data concerning the product? Briefly describe some concerns associated with properly conducting field and in-the-wild studies.
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15 hours ago Eva Gaivoronski RE: Week 9 Discussion
The first concern with conducting a field study to ensure accurate data would be clearly defining the research questions. With any research type, the need for the designer to understand what data is relevant and what is not is a critical first step to ensuring that the result aligns with the requirements. The second piece to consider is ensuring that the participants are the right fit for the study and the data the designer is trying to gather. A suggested tool to help in the selection process of participants is screen questionnaires. (Recruiting and Screening Candidates for User Research Projects, n.d.) This removes the opportunity for bias sampling, quickly identifies optimal candidates representing the target audience, and eliminates those candidates that would not provide accurate, relevant data to the study. Once the target data is identified, and the correct candidates are selected, the final consideration is the collection method. (How to Choose the Right Data Collection Method, 2022) The chosen data collection method should best combine quality, efficiency, and alignment with the result in mind.
Recruiting and Screening Candidates for User Research Projects. (n.d.). Nielsen Norman Group.
How to choose the right data collection method. (2022, May 9). Prestanda.