Discussions regarding all Professional Organizations that occurred throughout all Modules.

Complete Issue Analysis

Worth 20% of your Final Grade

This paper is based upon the Discussions regarding all Professional Organizations that occurred throughout all Modules

1) You are asked to pick any issue that was discussed in any of the Discussion Boards throughout the course – Mission and Structure, Theories/Strategic Plans, Economic Structures, Promotion, Diversity, Leadership, Management, and Change. Your issue does not have to be approved if it is one of these topics. If you would like to ‘stray’ slightly from one of these topics, you are welcome to as long as it was covered within the course/text…and you email me for approval.

2) Analyze the Points surrounding that issue (not your organization… the issue/topic) in-depth. You are looking at how these issues affect Nursing and Professionalism – Consider Current Options, Pros and Cons, Societal Issues, Promotion or Prohibition of Change, Inter- or Intra- Disciplinary Issues, and any other appropriate/pertinent points.

3) Your Paper should also include a summary discussing the role of, and perspective of, Nursing as a Profession. As this module asks… Are we a Profession Yet?

Complete Issue Analysis(20%)
 In this assignment due in Module Six, you will be asked to pick any issue discussed
on the Trends and Issues Discussion Boards throughout the course and analyze the
points in-depth. In particular, you will want to consider current options, pros and
cons, societal issues prohibiting or promoting change, inter- and intra- disciplinary issues prohibiting or promoting change, and conclude the paper by summarizing
the role and perspectives of nursing as a profession (or not)?

The paper should be 10 pages or less. It should be in strict APA, 6th edition, format with Times New Roman 12 Point Font, evenly double-spaced, with 1 inch Margins all around. There needs to a Title Page and Reference Page. No Abstract is Required.

This should be submitted to the assignment link under the assignment tab AND to Safe Assign as a Microsoft Office Word Document (.doc or .docx) ONLY.

Points Possible Criteria

15 At least two paragraphs clearly describing selected issue

10 At least two paragraphs clearly discussing current options related to selected issue

10 At least two paragraphs clearly discussing pros and cons of current options related to selected


10 At least two paragraphs clearly discussing societal issues related to selected issue

10 At least two paragraphs clearly discussing promotion or prohibition of change related to selected issue

10 At least two paragraphs clearly discussing intra-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary issues related to selected issue

10 At least two paragraphs clearly discussing how these issues affect nursing as a profession

15 Clear summary, including a statement of your opinion regarding nursing as a profession – are we there yet? Must be supported with at least one reference.

10 APA format, grammar, spelling, and SafeAssign