Do interventions aimedtowards at-risk mothers and infants reduce infant mortality during their first year of life in theUnited States?



chapter 3 has 4 pages that is already written. What I need is for each subtitle to rewrite the paragraphs in my own words as well for each subtitle there is a question for what the paragraphs is
suppose to be about make sure I have answer the question if not add to it. With Chapter 4 its 2 pages. What I need done on this part is to read each question and to my paragraph with more detail
and add charts and bar graph. Also both chapters needs a reference page all together it?s about 6 pages, needs to be free of grammar and plagiarism
CHAPTER 3. METHODOLOGYIntroductionThis section describes the design of the research used to answer the postposed hypotheses or address the research problem and then presents the following sub-sections:Data discussed in this article are based primarily on the linked birth/infant death datasets produced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics
(NCHS).5,8 In these datasets, information from the birth certificate is linked to information from the death certificate for each infant who dies in the United States. The purpose of the linkage is
to use the many additional variables available from the birth certificate for infant mortality analysis. We computed infant 1 year of age mortality rates per 100,000 live births for cause of death,
and per 1,000 live births for all other variables. Cause-of-death data were classified according to the Tenth Revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health
Problems.9 Leading CODs were ranked using the conventions outlined by NCHS and described in detail elsewhere.5 Research lacks long-term assessments of adherence regarding education provided within
hospital settings (Mason, 2013). Other limitations were a lack of randomized sampling (Dietz, England, Shapiro- Mendoza, Tong, Farr, and Callaghan, 2010), (Livingood et al., 2010), (Malloy, 2010).
Samples were limited to high risk women only (Livingood, 2010), and studies were predominately surveyed in urban communities (Kucik et al., 2014). Systematic reviews were utilized due to minimal
research regarding interventions to reduce infant mortality within the restricted time frame (Rowland, 2002). Overall, systematic reviews were useful in identifying interventions for infant
mortality, and health care workers are familiar with education topics to discuss with different populations. However, systematic reviews were not helpful when trying to obtain statistics and
effectiveness of research interventions.Research QuestionsState the proposed hypotheses (for a quantitative study) or research questions (for a quantitative or qualitative study) from Chapter 1 in the proper form and style. The PICOT question in this review is as follows: Do interventions aimedtowards at-risk mothers and infants reduce infant mortality during their first year of life in theUnited States? Risk factors and interventions focus on preventative prenatal care and postpartumeducation and care. This systematic review discusses and critically appraises research by experts who have evaluated the effectiveness of interventions to reduce rates. Based on the appraisal of
peer-reviewed publications about IMR interventions, advanced practice and research recommendations have shown to reduce the rate of infant mortality.Description of the ParticipantsWho are they, how they were selected for participation, and why were they chosen. Limitations were noted throughout the studies. Studies included singleton babies only (DaFrè et al., 2015) .Research is deficient of long-term monitoring and evaluation of an attachment
regarding education provided within hospital settings (Mason, 2013). Other limitations were a lack of randomized sampling (Dietz, England, Shapiro Mendoza, Tong, Farr, and Callaghan, 2010),
(Livingood et al., 2010), (Malloy, 2010). Samples were limited to high risk women only (Livingood, 2010), and studies were predominately surveyed in urban communities (Kucik et al., 2014).
Systematic reviews were utilized due to minimal research regarding interventions to reduce infant mortality within the restricted timeframe (Rowland, 2002). Overall, systematic reviews were useful
in identifying interventions for infant mortality, and health care workers are familiar with education topics to discuss with different populations. However, systematic reviews were not helpful
when trying to obtain statistics and effectiveness of research interventions..InstrumentationDescription and any history regarding any survey instruments used to obtain data (include any reliability measures associated with the instrument). . Levels of evidence varied with different research studies. Forty-three percent of the research articles were Level Six: Single Descriptive or Qualitative studies. Twenty-eight percent
were Level Five and Systematic Reviews of Descriptive and Qualitative Studies. Cohort and Case Control studies at Level Four and made up 14% of the studies. Finally, 9% of the studies generated
from Level Three evidence. Controlled Trials without Randomization, and Randomized Control Trials accounted 6% of Level Two evidence based practice. Sample sizes ranged from five (Salim, 2016) to
1,335,471 subjects (Malloy, 2010). Half of the studies were conducted at single sites, while 35% included multiple states. Fifteen percent of the studies were conducted nationwide. Overall, studies
providing education on reducing unsafe behaviors such as smoking, substance use, and lack of contraceptive use began to show that safe sleep increased along with patient compliance. Promoting
healthy outcomes by increasing health behaviors should decrease IMR, and all studies suggest that with patient compliance, lower rates are possible nationwide.Ethical ConsiderationsState how the study will adhere to established ethical norms. This includes how the study promotes the aims of research, promotes the values that are essential to collaborative work, how the
researcher is held accountable to the public, how it builds public support for the research, and how it promotes a variety of other important moral and social values. The current state of research continues to showcase IMRs throughout counties, states andnations. Research has focused on identifying risk factors related to infant mortality, but moreintervention studies about maintenance and long-tern effects need to be conducted to supportpractice. Hospitals are a major opportunity for both patient education and research. Safe sleep isa major, current topic of conversation occurring in facilities among healthcare providers andfamilies, and the compliance is noted in research to evaluate efficacy. Other new interventions inreducing infant mortality includes centering and inter-birth spacing. Research has begun toevaluate the effect of patient education and prevention. Both interventions are explained below.