Effective communication is the key to providing quality nursing care to our patientsPaper DetailsFind the attched file of essay details for NUR 113 Effective communication is the key to providing quality nursing care to our patients.

Define therapeutic communication
Identify key features of therapeutic communication
Understand verbal communication principles
Explore forms of non-verbal communication
Understand the importance of active listening skills in nursing
Identify the barriers to listening
It is the purposeful use of communication to build and maintain helping relationships with patients families and significant others.
Its techniques encourage the patient to express feelings and thoughts in a safe nonjudgmental manner.
Assessment diagnosis planning implementation and evaluation of a patients care depend on therapeutic communication between the nurse patient family significant others and the multidisciplinary team (MDT).
(OToole 2012)
To establish effective therapeutic communication trust rapport empathy respect privacy confidentiality and boundaries should pre vail.
therapeutic communication occurs within the nursing context.
Provides exchange of health related information.
Requires knowledge and attitudes pertinent to nursing.
It is patient centred and goal directed.
It is responsive without being overly accommodating.
It is assertive without being domineering.
BoundariesTrust confidence in and reliance upon the health professional to provide quality service that is always in the best interests of the person seeking assistance. Trust is critical in the nurse-client relationship because the client is in a vulnerable position. Initially trust in a relationship is fragile so its especially important that a nurse keep promises to a client. If trust is breached it becomes
difficult to re-establish
Rapport A connection between two people based on trust and awareness that they have a common goal.
Empathy the direct clear and accurate understanding and expression of the emotions of an individual.
Respect Unconditional positive regard for self and others regardless of weaknesses or failure position or status beliefs and values and marital possessions or socioeconomic level. It assumes all human beings have innate worth and value. Respect is the recognition of the inherent dignity worth and uniqueness of every individual regardless of socio-economic status personal
attributes and the nature of the health problem.
Privacy someones right to keep their personal matters and relationships secret.
Confidentiality Keeping information within a particular context; involves keeping information private.
Boundaries A boundary is a limit or a behavioral line which cannot be crossed.
Warning signs of unhealthy boundaries could be:
You share personal problems or aspects of your intimate life with patients.
You keep secrets with patients.
You become defensive when someone questions your interaction with.
You have received gifts from a patient.
You speak to the patient about your own professional needs or inability.
You speak poorly of co-workers or the hospital to patients.
You talk to patients/families about things that are out of your scope of practice.
You give certain patients extra time or attention.
You give patients personal contact information or money.
You fail to set limits with a patient.
You spend duty time with patients.
You feel that you understand the patients problems better than other members of the healthcare team.Case study(Source: http://samples.jbpub.com/9781449691776/9781449691776_CH05_Pass2.pdfSusan is a 38-year old woman coming into the outpatient surgery centre for a breast biopsy. She sits in the waiting room with her husband and is obviously nervous starting unblinking at the wall taping her feet and writing a tissue in her hand. The perioperative nurse approaches Susan to introduce herself and bring her into the operation suite to prepare for surgery.Nurse: Mrs R. I am Laurie Snow and I will be the nurse working with you today. What do you like to be called
Pt: Hello Call me Sue; thats what everyone else calls me. This is my husband Andrew.
Nurse: (she shakes hands with the patient and her husband.) it is nice to meet both of you Sue. I would like to explain whats going to happen today get a little more information from you and answer any questions that you may have about the surgery.
Pt: Oh thank you. I am so scared. I dont know how I am going to get through this.
Nurse: Its common to feel nervous about surgery. My goal is to help you through today. I will explain everything as we go along and answer any questions you and Andrew may have.
Pt: I am glad that you will be there. May my husba