Emphasize the impact inter professional collaboration can have upon safe, effective, patient centered care.

The instructions are below.
The title of this project should be professional; the title should not be Inter professional Collaboration Project. It should reflect the topic of the paper and not the topic of the assignment.
inter professional collaboration project.
inter professional collaboration has been identified as essential to the delivery of safe, effective and patient-centered health care(baker et al,2008). as healthcare organizations utilize more collaborative education to help support this collaboration within practice upon graduation(Baker et al, 2008).

the purpose of this assignment is to
1, substantiate the importance of inter professional collaboration within healthcare.
2, Emphasize the impact inter professional collaboration can have upon safe, effective, patient centered care
3, enable you an opportunity to create a project that involves inter professional collaboration which you can use to help support optimal care of patients at your place of employment.

**** before beginning this assignment read the articles for background and reference.
a. Rose,L (2011). inter professional collaboration in the ICU: how to define? Nursing in critical care,16(1),5-10.
b, Rice, K, Zwarenstein,M., conn.L.,Kenaszchuk,c,., Russell,A., &Reeves,S(2010). An intervention to improve interprofessional collaboration and communication: A comparative qualitative study. Journal of interprofessional care,24(4), 350 doi 103109/13561820903550713.
c, Mann, K, Sargeant,J.,& Hill, T. (2009). Knowlege translationin interprofessional education
d, Baker, C, Pulling C, McGraw,R , dagone (2008)
Please perform additional literature search to fully understand inter professional collaboration and the impact the nonprofessional communication and collaboration has upon patient care.

Research your project idea in order to obtain evidence based data to substantiate your idea.

specific details.

the project is to enable you use your creativity to think outside the box.

in other to uptain full experience spend time with therapist, medical assistance respiratory therapist physicians deficient pharmacist etc.

design your project as if there is a true possibility that it can be utilized at your job site.

create a project that you feel would be beneficial to patients and families that involves inter professional collaboration and support inter professional collaboration.