Emphasize the most recent advances in the understanding of the pathophysiology, especially in regards to genetics

Familial Mediterranean Fever

1. The student will be responsible for preparing instructional materials for Familial Mediterranean Fever

2. The student should Emphasize the most recent advances in the understanding of the pathophysiology, especially in  regards to genetics, and the most recent approaches in therapeutic management when preparing learning materials for the class. A basic knowledge of pathophysiology and management should be assumed, as many of the topics in this semester are likely to have received some attention during undergraduate nursing education.

3. Instructional materials and activities should include lecture notes , bibliography and threaded discussion questions, and MAY include web-based assignments, instructional games or other audiovisual materials. If there are learning material; please provide it as an attachment so I can download it.

4. On a separate documents please complete a 7- item bibliography, 3 learning objectives for the topic, lecture notes and outline, 5 Threaded discussion questions and 5 examination questions relevant to the topic content in separate files.

a. The bibliography should focus on journal articles published within the previous three years and be limited to no more than 7 references. Copies of the journals should be available so I can download them. The bibliography may include only one internet reference.

b. The lecture notes should focus mainly on medical management of the chronic condition.

1) The class should be assumed to have a basic understanding of the pathophysiology of the chronic pediatric condition under discussion.

Therefore, any discussion of the pathophysiology should focus only on the MOST RECENT advances in understanding.

Any known or suspected genetic factors must be included in materials on pathophysiology. Known or suspected ethnic and racial factors should be included as well, particularly those associated with genetic variation.

2) The class should be assumed to have a basic knowledge of the treatment for the chronic pediatric condition under discussion.

Therefore, presentation of the medical side of the management of the condition should focus on the MOST RECENT recommendations, the newest drugs and surgery, etc. Pharmacologic management (including use of complementary medicine) should be included.

3) The major portion of the lecture notes should focus on the medical management of the chronic pediatric condition under discussion. This should reflect the medical roles of case finder, case manager, and liaison with primary care providers.

4) An important component of medical management is the monitoring of the client’s progress at various stages of the chronic condition, so the presentation should include information on the methods for monitoring and their rationale as well as the monitoring intervals.

5) All chronic illnesses have psychological consequences for the client and effects on family functioning. A brief discussion of the strategies for dealing with these is appropriate.

6) Since the condition is chronic and the client is a child, the lecture notes should include the changes that can be expected over childhood and the long-term consequences of both the disorder and the treatments.

c. The examination questions may be short-answer, short matching (no more than 5 matches), true-false, or multiple-choice and be accompanied by the correct answers as determined by the student. The questions should test knowledge of the most important concepts or facts that a medical provider should have about the chronic pediatric condition presented. A majority of the questions should require application, analysis, synthesis, or evaluation thinking rather than simple recognition and recall.

d. All materials should be submitted in separate individual files so that each item can be mounted separately.

5. If the student identifies video of particular interest, it is best to provide a link or reference for obtaining this item as it is technically time-consuming to get video mounted on the course site. Pictures can be sent as .jpg or .gif files and usually can be added without difficulty to the course site.

Leadership of Threaded Discussion related to assigned topic:

1. The student may choose to use a case that illustrates the chronic condition under discussion as a framework for discussion, but this is not required. Alternatively, the student may pose several questions about the condition addressed in “lecture”.

2. The focus of all discussions should be therapeutic management of a chronic condition. A suggestion would be for the student presenter to pose one or more questions or statements about management of the case and ask for class response.

Please develop threaded discussion questions addressing these areas.

I. Therapeutic Goals

A. Short-term goals and the interval within which they are expected to be met

B. Long-term goals
1. These are usually used as indicators of client’s stability
2. These are monitored periodically, so the interval for monitoring should be given.

C. Issues of daily functioning as well as pathology should be included in goals.

II. Therapeutic Plan appropriate to the client at the present visit:

A. Pharmacological treatments

B. Non-pharmacological treatments

C. Additional diagnostic tests

D. Education / counseling

E. Referrals / hospital admission

F. Follow-up and liaison between primary care provider and pediatric specialist

III. Discussion of factors that are expected to impact on the likelihood of adherence to the treatment regimen and strategies in the client’s plan.

A. Child’s developmental level of functioning