EMS 2301 Anatomy and Physiology I

**Unit V Discussion Question

Healthcare workers encounter the geriatric population daily, and there are challenges each one brings. One such challenge is the potential for bone fractures. Why do you think bone fractures occur more readily in the elderly without injury or severe trauma? What mechanism can you provide to assist a patient who may have experienced a bone fracture?

Unit VI Discussion Question

Your unit has been called to a 22-year-old male assault victim who sustained a direct blow to the head on the right side. Upon arrival, he was unconscious with response only to painful stimuli. His airway is open, respirations are 26 breaths per minute/irregular, heart rate at 58 bpm, and SaO2 at 94% on room air. His blood pressure is 186/118, and skin is cool, pale, and clammy. Upon visualization, the patient is bleeding from a large laceration to the right side. CSF fluid is coming from the left ear. No battle signs or raccoon eyes are present. What would be your treatment, and why? What cranial bones may be involved?

HCA 3302 Critical Issues in Health Care

Unit V Discussion Question

How are the ethical principles of nonmaleficence and beneficence violated by ransomware that could be in a health care organization's information system?

Unit VI Discussion Question

In regard to health care epidemics, how does a person's choice to vaccinate or not to vaccinate against influenza play into this concern?

HTH 2303 Pathophysiology

Unit V Discussion Board Question

Huntington's disease (HD) is an autosomal dominant genetic disorder that leads to degenerative neurological loss and dementia. Because it is autosomal dominant, children of the affected person have a 50% chance of also having the mutation. Genetic testing can identify the mutation. Unfortunately, symptoms do not occur until the person is in middle adulthood and has usually had children by then. If one of your parents developed HD, would you want to be tested for the mutation? Why, or why not?

As you respond to your classmates, discuss why you would or why you would not.

Unit VI Discussion Question

Some athletes take performance enhancing drugs (PEDs); frequently, it is testosterone or similar androgens. All sports governing authorities prohibit use of PEDs. Why? If an athlete wants to enhance performance, should not the person be allowed to do whatever they want with their body? Explain your rationale.

As you respond to your classmates, discuss the rationale of your responseBottom of Form