The assignment requires to fill in the template that I put in the file download. There are details that are given at least 2 times to show what to do from the instructor. I hope this don’t confuse you. It confuses me sometimes. If you need anything else let me know. Thank you in advance. AssignmentGraphic Organizer
Due Date:Feb 11, 2018 23:59:59Max Points: 50
Create a graphic organizer, or complete the table attached, toidentify and describe oral, reading, and writing strategiesappropriate for each ELL proficiency level. You may use strategiesfrom your required readings or your research. Include a justificationas to why each strategy is applicable to the specific ELL proficiencylabel, citing references.
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment,solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations andreferences should be presented using APA documentation guidelines,which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the StudentSuccess Center.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
Explanation and Details:
Create a graphicorganizer, or complete the table attached,Use the template in the next postto identify (provide the title)anddescribe (write a brief description)oral, reading, and writing strategies (12 different instructionalstrategies or learning strategies)appropriate for each ELL proficiencylevel. DO NOT repeat anystrategies… there are many, many strategies from which tochoose… You may use strategies from yourrequired readings (50Strategies text),oryour research,or other attached resources fromthe next post to help you come up with 12 highly effectivestrategies designed for ELLs. This is intended to be a valuableresource for you to take into your student teaching experience.Include a justification as to why each strategyis applicable to the specific ELL proficiency label, citing references(in other words, use an in-textcitation for each justification).*
While APA format is not required forthe body of this assignment(Do not double space thecontents of the table), solid academic writing is expected,and in-text citations and references should be presented using APAdocumentation guidelines,which can be found inthe APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.which are provided for you inthe template attached in the following post.
You are required to submit thisassignment to Turnitin.Remember to change the settings when you reviewyour report to include quoted material to ensure you receive anaccurate report of the amount of similar material. HOWEVER, keep inmind that due to the use of the template, the TII may be higher than expected.
- Absolutelyno more than 20% of your assignment can be from other sources. SoENSURE that any highlighted content that is yours is properlycited and does not account for more than 20% of the total.
- Highlightedmaterial that comes from use of the template or list of referenceswill NOT count in the overall percentage.
- Youare responsible for checking this.
- Allinstructors are required to review TII reports and requirerevision if it does not meet the guidelines. Typically, a 20%reassignment penalty will apply, and further action may benecessary such as a Code of Conduct report for academicdishonesty… even in cases when you are given the opportunity torevise and resubmit.
- Pleasekeep this in mind as this is GCU policy to protect its graduatesand online programs from scrutiny.
*A sample of theexpectations is provided in the following post. PLEASE be sure toreview it or at least compare your finished product to it to seethat the basic information is similar – a specific title AND (notOR) description in the middle box, justification with in-textcitation in the last box.
More expalanation for assignment
Forthe Graphic Organizer of Instructional & Learning Strategies, you will:
- Use the attached Revised GO Template KOSIER to identify12 differentInstructional or Learning strategies to help ELLsimprove their oral, reading, and writing skills in English.
- Include a specific title AND description of the strategy in themiddle column.
- Include a research-based justificationprovided in your own words, but supported with an in-text citationin the last column.
Thefollowing attachments are provided for your success! The Revised GOTemplate is not to hamper your creativity, but to allow you to focusyour creativity on the content… not the format. You may use a widevariety of sources – including your 50 Strategies text – to obtainyour strategies, however, keep in mind that your strategies must beconsidered best practice and supported by research. If your strategytitles do not come up as similar in TII, it is very possible that theyare not considered best practice.
Stages of Second Language Acquisition(THIS IS FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY, as youapply the strategies you select to particular proficiency levels…the information here should NOT be used for your justification. Findanother source to utilize for this purpose.
Revised GO Template Kosier (PLEASEUSE THIS when submitting your assignment)
Week 5 Go Example an additionalhelpful example to get you started
GO RUBRIC (Rubric used forevaluation) Please use this to evaluate your own assignment beforesubmitting for evaluation. This will ensure no surprises occur!
SIOP_Classroom_Strategies (Be surenot to use information other than the strategy title from thisresource verbatim)
Go-To-Strategies_Scaffolds (Besure to use only instructional and learning strategies from thisresource… you will have to scroll for it)
Additionalresources may be attached as I continue to locate reputable sources ofstrategies in my own research