Explain how the professional nurse would use clinical judgment and decision-making skills to provide appropriate nursing care.
In this weeks readings media program, Ms. Marren discussed how the nurses in New York responded during the 9/11 crisis. Ms. Marren also discussed how the Visiting Nurse Services emergency preparedness/disaster response plan has changed since 9/11. In addition, Dr. Guerra and Dr. DiFerdinando both discussed disaster response activities and strategies. Finally, the readings this week discussed the role of the nurse in bioterrorism and disaster management.
Select a disaster that could happen in your community. Then, write a 3- to 4-page paper outlining the following:
The disaster
: Public Health Nursing: Population-Centered Health Care in the Community
?Chapter 23, Public Health Nursing and the Disaster Management Cycle
Disasters can be either human made or natural and they cause damage to such an extent that assistance is needed for relief. The author of this chapter discusses many kinds of disasters, presents a brief overview of the Homeland Security organization, and examines the four stages of disaster: prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery.
?Chapter 24, Public Health Surveillance and Outbreak Investigation
Chapter 24 defines disease surveillance as a means of monitoring public health so as to reduce morbidity and disease outbreaks. The author describes several types of surveillance systems, notifiable diseases at the state and national levels, and steps in conducting an investigation.
?Chapter 13, Infectious Disease Prevention and Control
This selection discusses the transmission, surveillance, prevention, and control of communicable diseases stemming from agents of bioterrorism, vaccine-preventable diseases, foodborne and waterborne diseases, vector-borne diseases, among others.
Johnstone, M., & Turale, S. (2014). Nurses experiences of ethical preparedness for public health emergencies and healthcare disasters: A systematic review of qualitative evidence. Nursing & Health Sciences, 16(1), 67-77. doi:10.1111/nhs.12130